

A lost little girls smile! chapter three
to be grew stronger by the day soon started to walk and talk some.That summer I turned 1.We went on my first family vacation. We went to the Grand canyon and my biggest sister held me over the canyon and it was huge to a little one year old girl. We all had lots of fun. Then when we got back home life resumed as normal . Dad returned to work on the docks of the rail road yard and my brothers and sister enjoyed the rest of their summer break. Mom would take me and Robbie on walks to the store and such she would always tell Robbie to take his hands out of his pockets or he was gonna fall and bust his head open. One day he tripped over a crack in the side walk and busted his head open we had to take him to the hospital. Where he got his first set of stitches. He was ok but he had a bad cut on his head. Momma would let him sleep so he was crying. But after seven days the stichtes were to come our. I was happy now my brother Robbie could take me outside to play under the porch always stayed cleaned up and raked out from under because of all mine and Robbies toys were under there. Because all our bigger brothers and sister and thiers friends hang out on the porch. We were to little to be under foot mom and dad thought we'd get hurt. So we played under the porch. Some time our big sister Mary would bring us for walks and to the park we would have fun with her like some days we got to go have ice cream where our big brother worked and get what we wanted. and they would take us for rides on their bikes . That was always fun. At Christmas time mom would work and our big sister would babysit us . Mom worked so we would have a good Christmas and lots of presents. That was always nice.
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