

Chagall Blue
The following poem is inspired by a fantastic poem titled "Blue" by @K_K_writes on June 11, 2023 here on Writco. I took the first line completely from her. And I can't phrase this first verse any better, but tried to bring in another hue. 'Chagall blue' came to my mind since beautiful light shines through Marc Chagall's famous church windows.

i buried you in my heart
where over time
flowers began to bloom
some in violet
but most in blue

fragrant petals in
sky blue ocean blue
chagall blue
other bluish

i buried you
in my heart
blue petals in
the evening light
at sunset

Some words ("buried", "shades") suggest sadness and melancholy. But as a counterpoint to this, the flowers stand as a symbol of the continued existence of beautiful memories and feelings. — At the end I added an reddish-orange spot (in Chagall style...)

Finally, a tip: Google the words "chagall" and "blue" and display the images you find. 💙✨

Think I will work on this poem further in the future...

© Julian Heylinck, 30.06.2024


Title image: Marc Chagall's Church Windows at the Fraumünster in Zürich, Switzerland.