

The insight teaching with Thokozani Ndinisa from South Africa
Feelings and Emotions

Before I could go far, what do you understand about this term: “feeling”, now I would like to share my insights about a feeling can change at anytime, and it does reveal the state of any individual whenever he or she is passing through something in this world. Furthermore, a feeling, it's not a permanent thing that last forever, as it's controlled by different encounters or state a person finds himself or herself in. Feelings sometimes can be deceptive, as they might be telling the truth about someone or certain situation you are currently faced with. Feelings are chemical reactions a person feels within his or her heart. Feeling makes us to be able sensitive as human beings. Yes, human beings have an emotional sensitive part within them, emotional. This is the greatest state or well-being of anyone in this world, remember that feelings allow a person to be able to encounter different feels about some certain things. Sometimes throughout our experiences in this world, our emotions, and feelings will make us to encounter some certain pleasures we have never seen or experienced before in our lives. We can't deny that feelings and emotions plays a massive role in our body as human beings in this world. Our feelings can be hurt or allow us to test how there is like to feel pain when you are hurt by someone whom you value the most in your heart. Sometimes people can say things without thinking properly towards the next person, this behavior can hurt someone else feelings. It's so important we control ourselves before we could hurt each other emotional with words that comes out of our mouth.
Some people will develop feelings for someone whom they just met, in simple terms we call this " love at first sight " which it happens when someone or two people will be attracted towards each when it's their first time meeting each in their lives.

People sometimes will :
● Have a feeling that something is going to happen
● Say that they have a bad or strange feeling that something which is not good is going to happen in their lives or in a present day
● Sense that something is going to happen and once it happens they will remember how they felt in their Hearts
● Foretell what will happen through what they sense in their feelings. Every so often they can be on point while other day's nothing will happen which they had a bad feeling about!

With feelings, you are able:

◇ To desire something
◇ To be attracted to someone
◇ To feel good about something
◇ To feel good about someone whenever he or she is around you
◇ To test how there is like to be in love with someone whom you feel deep down in your soul and heart
◇ To have confidence about yourself
◇ To love yourself or someone
◇ To care for someone including a stranger
◇ To have a bad or funny feeling that something will not work or succeed in what they might be doing or planning to do in their lives

With feelings, human beings are:

● Able to develop jealousy over someone things
● Sometimes people will start to develop negative energy towards each other
● People will be able to show each other love or kindness
● People will start carrying for another and desire to be there to help each other in many ways in this world
● Able to develop hatred towards each other
● Able to speak negative about each other
● React in a negative way or say whatever they feel or think towards each other
● Able to develop deep love for each and start to care a lot about each other needs and wants

Feelings are the greatest sensibility part in a person life. Sometimes people attitudes are affected by their negative effects of what they say whenever they are more sensitive. Yes, reacting based on emotions can influence your mood or ruin the relationship you have with other people in this world.

Thing's that people do when they react based on feelings and emotions :

● What make rush decisions
● Will say thing's which they don't mean
● Will do wrong decisions
● Once they are sober will start to have regrets over something they did, when they reacted based on emotions
● They will desire to seek for physiological help from professionals who help people in this world


An emotion, it always reveals how a person feels about a certain thing or about a certain individual or how he or she feels

Emotions can be a feeling:

1. Of being said
2. Being hurt inside your heart
3. Being happy
4. Being excited
5. Overwhelmed with joy
6. Overwhelmed with sorrow,
7. A moment of being overwhelmed with peace and gentleness in your soul
8. A moment feeling pains in your body!

Emotion takes place in the human being souls. Your emotions always reveals how you feel about something or someone, or about a certain situation you might be passing through in your life. Emotions will sometimes indicate the love you have for someone or certain thing you value the most in this world. Emotions constantly try to reveal how you feel deep down in your heart and soul, while sometimes feelings can only reveal how you feel for a certain thing in a blink of an eye, knowing very in few minutes your feelings will change. Emotions remain consistent, while else feelings change from second to second or minutes to minutes in this world.

It is an internal state of every human beings. This is a state that responds physiological towards some situations or objects that a person encounter in his or her journey. Emotions help anyone to develop a tied over someone.

In conclusion, without feelings people won't be able to be attracted to each other or have desire of something things. Your desires are built up by your feelings you have for a certain thing you want to have in this world.

Copyright: Thokozani Ndinisa Creative Literature Content Production © Thokozani Ndinisa Qoutes