

Tales from the Delve: And thus Mirror
The wind whipped across the desolate beach, carrying the tang of salt and the mournful cries of seagulls. A lone figure trudged along the shoreline, her footsteps heavy in the damp sand. Elizabeth, a woman burdened by the weight of recent loss, sought solace in the rhythmic crashing of the waves.

As the tide receded, a glint of silver caught her eye. Curiosity piqued, she approached the object, brushing away the clinging sand to reveal a mirror. It stood upright, seemingly defying the laws of gravity, its frame weathered and worn.

Elizabeth leaned closer, expecting to see her own reflection, but instead, a chilling sight greeted her. The mirror showed nothing but a vast, desolate landscape – The Delve. It was a wasteland of cracked earth and twisted trees, shrouded in an oppressive darkness. In the distance, a beat-up old truck sat abandoned, its rusting frame a stark reminder of the harsh reality of this forgotten place.

A shiver ran down Elizabeth's spine as she gazed into the mirror, drawn in by its eerie allure. The Delve seemed to beckon her, promising a respite from her grief. She reached out to touch the surface, her fingers trembling as they made contact with the cold glass.

Suddenly, the mirror rippled like water, and a sense of vertigo washed over her. Elizabeth stumbled back, clutching the sand for support. When she looked up, the mirror was gone, swallowed by the incoming tide.

Shaken, Elizabeth fled the beach, her mind racing. She had heard whispers of The Delve, a place where the lost and broken souls were said to wander. Could the mirror be a portal to this desolate realm? And if so, what had it wanted with her?

Days turned into restless nights as Elizabeth grappled with the unsettling vision she had seen in the mirror. The Delve haunted her dreams, its desolate landscape a constant reminder of her own emptiness.

Drawn back to the beach, she scanned the shoreline, hoping to catch another glimpse of the mysterious mirror. The tide was out, but there was no sign of the reflective surface. Disappointed, Elizabeth turned to leave, but as she did, a wave crashed against her legs, leaving a glistening object in its wake.

It was the mirror.

Elizabeth hesitated, her heart pounding in her chest. The Delve awaited her, but was she ready to face the darkness that lurked within? Steeling her resolve, she stepped into the shallow water, her eyes fixed on the mirror.

As she approached, the reflection shifted once more. This time, instead of the truck, she saw a figure standing in the distance. It was a woman, her back turned, her posture suggesting a deep sorrow.

Elizabeth's breath hitched in her throat. The woman turned, and Elizabeth gasped. It was her own reflection, but her eyes were hollow, her face etched with despair.

A wave of understanding washed over her. The Delve was not just a physical place, but a reflection of her own inner turmoil. The beat-up truck represented the brokenness she carried within, the wasteland a symbol of her grief.

With this realization, Elizabeth felt a flicker of hope. Perhaps by facing the darkness in The Delve, she could find a way to heal the wounds in her own soul. She reached out to touch the mirror, her fingers trembling as they made contact with the cold glass.

This time, there was no vertigo, no sense of disorientation. Instead, Elizabeth felt a sense of peace wash over her as the mirror rippled and swallowed her whole. As the tide rolled in, the mirror disappeared once more, leaving behind only the endless expanse of the ocean and the promise of a new beginning.
© GreenShamanCowboy