

Strange feeling
One night i was all alone in my house sitting on a chair and scrolling through Instagram and suddenly i got chills in my back as if someone is starring towards me i looked towards the entrance gate i peeped outside to see if someone is there but i didn't saw anyone then i came back and start scrolling again then after few seconds i get that same strange feeling again it's terrifying how strong that feeling was this time i looked outside the window near me through curtains i saw a man walking away form my building that moment i didn't gave it that much thought and i went into another room to get some sleep next day when i checked CCTV footage from neighbors front door i saw a man with knife wearing a mask looking inside my house through peep hole in my door he stood there for few minutes then he left ..then i contacted police about this and they said he was a psycho killer who already killed 2 victims before visiting me . The police recognized that man through his mask and the way he was holding his knife.
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