

Relationship with God.
What is your relationship with God?
God is a supreme being with superior powers.
God is Almighty and great.
Nowadays peoples are more interested on social media and other things .

Some people just pray only one time par day which is bad.
Some people don't even meditate the word of the Lord.
Nowadays we can see people posting photos of them necked and can have almost a millions of likes , comments etc.

Some people are even sending pornographic videos of themselves.
But when it has to deal with God we can see a bit of people who are ready.

A post of God can have like thousands of likes or comments but if it's a necked woman it can even reach a million.
Some people will only read their Holy books only on the day that they're going to worship the Lord.

Some people will chat morning until night just on unecessary things.
What does it cost you to preach the words of God to your neighbor?
It might not cost you something but it can change the life of that person you're preaching to.
Some are dead already, some are fighting to survive at the hospital, some are sick, some wasn't able to see another day but you're here feeling very well .

You should be very thankful to the Lord for his grace.
Tomorrow might be too late.
No one knows when the world will end but you can still change people around you.
This is another chance given to you.
Stand up and preach the words of God to your friends, neighbors, parents, etc.
Read and meditate your Holy book like Bible , Qur'an etc daily.
Don't stop thanking the Lord because the Lord won't stop blessing you with another grace upon your life.

Stop posting pictures of yourself necked because your body is the temple of the Lord and the temple of the Lord is holy and needs to be well preserved.
If people don't love you because you're preaching and doing God's will don't be discouraged because you were not created to impress people but God.
Find more time to pray.
No one knows when the world is ending.
My brothers and sisters this is another chance please don't miss it.
I've done my part now it's your turn.
Hope you enjoyed reading this.
Have a nice day!