

Home is magic
Home and homing isn't exclusive to humans. There are nests, burrows, caves, dens, sanctuaries, holes, crevices, hives, lairs, pens, stables, sheds, and veldts are ad vital as condos, casas, digs, and apartments. Most remain houses and transform into a home only when emotions come into play. This is when relationships start and a home emerges... magically.

Yes, home is magic.

Home is conversations with silence just add much as ones with words or actions. Home is thoughts turning into dreams and dreams riding on thoughts. Home is where even chaos has a certain discipline and one knows one will lose nothing there. Home is about the comfort of warmth even when everything around is boiling hot and intolerable. Home is the cool chill zone where one reaches out to one self without being conscious.

Yes, home is magic.

- Arvind Passey
Blog: PASSEY (dot) INFO

#home #power #essay #magic