

The Silencer - Chapter 6
Chapter 6 - Process of Elimination

My hands shivered from the cold metal desk, as sweat drips down my forehead like a waterfall.

"Miss Camlotte, there is no need to be nervous, we are just going to ask you some questions," A tall white detective with kind brown eyes reassured.

"This is just the normal procedure nothing to sweat about. If you did nothing wrong you'll be fine."

"Ok," I said.

"Alright, let's get to it then shall we?"

"What happened?"

After two stealthy hours of being interrogated, the detective freed the girls.

The two arrived at their dorms with their dormmates awaiting their arrival.

"Oh god are you guys ok?" Allie asked us.

Madeline ran into her arms with tears streaming down her face for the loss of her friend, Angel.

"I knew we shouldn't have done anything like that," Madeline started.

"I thought just for one second that I could help my friends and now another is dead because of my stupid decision," Madeline blamed herself.

"You wouldn't have known that she was watching us Maddy," I comforted.

"We definitely aren't stopping now," I continued.

"We just need to keep this between us only and trust no one else," I said to her after we made it into my room.

The huge bead stood still in the middle of the room, covered with partially dusty bedsheets due to being at the station all night.

The morning light shone through the huge open window next to it and the cool, refreshing breeze flowed through the artificial plants that were around at random.

"Are you crazy! didn't you read the damn note! he told us to stay away Bryer not come closer!" She argued.

"I know, I know but the only reason why he gave that note to us in the first place, is because he's threatened by us," I explained.

"This proves that our little theory is indeed correct, well some of it anyway,"

"But we have to keep this between us only, we don't know who the silencer is so we need to be careful," I stated.

"Not even our dormmates? If there is anyone that isn't trustworthy in the house, it would be you because of your odd appearance," Madeline stated.

The words did stung I'll admit, but this wasn't the time to feel hurt by the fact that no one trusts you even after all you've done.

"Well I trust you, you don't have to trust me," I reassured.

"Just be my ally in this investigation, I don't want to see your body hanging from a ceiling or an arrow through your chest." I said.

"How will we even find out more if we can't trust anyone?" Maddy replied.

"Well we know that the library was empty except for the librarians and the goth kids in the far back," I started.

"So unless they've superhero hearing and the librarians have a life outside of school, it can't be them," I explained.

"It has to be someone within our dorm, someone that knew we were going there and I think that it's Lyla,"

Yes, Lyla Rosse.

She was the only one that wasn't really in the investigation.

She wasn't with us before Faith's murder and she was the one to point us towards the library, plus something about her doesn't sit right with me anyways.

"What?!" Maddy exclaimed.

"You heard right."

"Why the hell would you think that?"

"A lot of things point towards her so we should tell the whole dorm that we stopped the investigation to see how she reacts,"

"I still don't think it's her"

"You won't Maddy but I think so, just to be safe let's make everyone in the dorm a suspect, so we don't overlook anything," I said.

"What if it's none of them?" She asked.

"Well then we look into the goths and the librarians and any other people that might be suspects," I explained.

"I think you're making a deadly suspicion Bryer, Lyla wouldn't like this at all," Madeline declared.

"She won't know that I suspect her because we won't tell her," I stated.

The sound of the door opening downstairs grabbed my attention.

"Someones here, Madeline remember what I said, trust no one,"

"We're going to have to look into this individually as to not raise suspicion,"

"If you find anything tell the police first ok?" I said.


"Let's go downstairs." She said.

We both headed to the living room, to meet up with the whole gang.

I had a fake smile on my face looking at Lyla who looked nervous for some reason.


This is why she's a suspect, I mean why is she nervous huh?

"Are you guys ohk, I know that Angel's death must have been traumatizing, and you guys just sped upstairs before we had a chance to talk," Austin explained.

"N-no! Poor angel didn't deserve this!" Madeline cried.

"There was a note telling us to stop the investigation and then he just shot her in the chest! It all happened so fast!"

"Oh no!" Lyla said not in the least shocked.

This girl was checking all the boxes in the sus list.

"I'm so sorry, come here." Allie offered.

"Oh Madeline, you go through so much" Asher continued.

This is a normal reaction of sympathy, not the crap that Lyla said.

We all hugged Madeline until her weeping stopped.

All of us except for, Lyla

How surprising.

The surprising thing was that she sped off upstairs like her body caught fire or something.

After the long morning, I rested on my bed running the night events and suspicions over.

If Angel got the note from the silencer, doesn't that meant that she saw him?

Why the hell didn't she go to the authorities?

It was the same as Faith, both of them got some kind of warning and they didn't do anything.

Where was the silencer when the arrow got shot?

But the question that remained at the forefront of my mind was, Is it really is Lyla or not?


Thanks for reading💝 #silencer #mute #murder #killing #mystery #crime
© Gabrielle Collins