

We hear the word death many times in our life and we also see death of many people in our life. When we see the death of a person, then we often think that how death happens, how it happens, what happens after death, what is the soul, what is the nature of the soul, in this way many questions We hear the answers from our scriptures or from any Mahatma, Saint-Sage. But our questions are still the same that what is all this? We see many types of thinking about it, we understand and again we are not able to find the right answers to our questions. And because of this, we always walk around with the fear of death in our lives. And we make many things related to death the basis of our life and we spend our life. And many times we think that what will happen to us after death, what will happen to our soul, what will we get in the next birth? And all these things bother us in life or we have a desire to know about it in life. So today I will talk about this topic and it is possible that many of your questions will be answered in this topic. What you most want to know about.
So first of all we know what is soul and what is the nature of soul? So the answer is that the soul is a kind of consciousness by which our body works and our body moves according to it. And to say it in other words that the soul is the driver of our body. By which our body works. Now we know what is the nature of soul? The soul actually has no form. The soul is like air which is immortal. As the soul is like air, neither is it visible to us, nor is there any real identity of the soul. The soul can take its form and change in any way it wants. The soul can remain in the same place as the tip of the needle and can also reside in a larger space. And because the soul is like air, we can feel the existence of the soul. But can't see it properly. So this is the nature of the soul and the general identification of the soul that we all know.
Now the next question comes that after death, is our soul in the air like our body or does it get a new form? So the answer is that the soul remembers all its births after death and can take any form according to its births. The soul does not have any form of its own. The soul is immortal, which cannot be killed by any weapon. The soul can take the form of all the living beings present in this world and can reside in all the living beings. There is no bondage of the soul. If we understand in other words, the soul resides in the human body according to his birth. And when a person dies, the soul can take the form of a human being or it can take the form of any of its relatives. The soul can take the form of any living being, animal or bird and can act like any living being.
And next we talk about what is the identity of the soul and how we can identify our soul. So the answer is that the soul is a consciousness and resides in our body. When a person dies, the consciousness in his body goes away. Due to which his body becomes inactive. And we do not know our soul, so consider yourself as a soul for a time and think that I am a soul and I have died and I am neither of my body nor of anything. I am a part or not, it is in my part. You think that you have died, you are alone away from all the relatives. Now you are bidding farewell to the people of this earth by saying goodbye to everyone for the last time to reside in the abode of God and now you have no one here. And now only God whom you have worshiped in life and whom you have served and worshiped with your true devotion. Now it is he who will help you after death and guide you. When you think this much, you will automatically identify your soul and you can see yourself as a soul. And you can also know the real situation of life.
And we go ahead and think that when we die, then what can our soul see to its relatives?, can it hear them? Is ? And does the soul immediately after the death of the body assume that the body has died? So his answer is that the soul can see and hear its relatives after the death of the body. She can even watch her last journey. Now the matter comes whether the soul can talk with its relatives, then its answer is yes. The soul can and does talk to its relatives and it also tells that its body has not died and it is still alive. But what happens is that neither we can see that soul nor we can hear it. His voice does not reach us and we cannot understand his words. Now it comes forward whether the soul immediately after the death of the body assumes that the body has died? To which the answer is no. The soul never immediately believes after the death of the body that that body has died. And she wants to tell this thing again and again that the body in which she used to reside has not died. But the situation is that no one can hear him, neither can he understand nor can he see him.
Now let us talk further that when a person's body dies, what happens after that? When a person's body dies, his soul moves out of his body and moves around his body at a height of about 7 to 10 feet above his body. And again and again tries to go back to her body which has died. But she can only go for a short time. Then comes out. And when the body of any person becomes cold after death, then it is not able to enter the body in which it used to live earlier. And after her last journey, she assumes that she has died and now the time has come for that soul to get rid of this world. Then she stays on earth for about 7 to 12 days and she goes to her favorite place and meets all her relatives and after that when her work is completed then she says goodbye to the life of this earth. She goes on her onward journey. And if you want to know about the journey of that soul, then you can read Garuda Purana in which God has said all the things. It is believed that after the death of the soul of the body, it walks 10000 km daily and the abode of the Lord is about 10 lakh yojans away. Where the soul takes about 11 months or even 1 year during the journey to reach. And we light the lamp in the name of the person who dies for about 1 year and we do not celebrate any festival for 1 year. The soul loves its body as much as we love our lives.
So it happened that after the death of the body, the soul traveled. Now let us talk further about the salvation of the soul. And we will try to know whether every person comes to take Yamraj at the time of death or the God whom we have worshiped and served throughout our life. So now we first talk about the salvation of the soul and understand that what is salvation? So moksha is said to be that state of life where the soul has its last place. After reaching where the soul gets liberation. Where the soul lives free from all sorrows. From where he does not have to take another birth and everyone's wish is that they get salvation after death. And that's why everyone does virtue in life. Do good deeds in life and do devotion and service to God in life. And we get salvation, our life is successful. And many times it happens that we worship God, do good deeds, live a good life, yet we do not get salvation and we have to take birth back on earth. So what is the reason for this and why does this happen? So there is only one reason for this that we would have worshiped the service of God, but we cannot be completely free from the illusory life of the earth. And for this we have to come back to earth and we fulfill our unfulfilled desire in another birth.
So now the question comes that what is this illusion and how can one get rid of it? If understood in simple language, then this illusion is said to be that state of life where there is such a thing in the life of a person, which he wants to enjoy or fulfill. But that thing is not fulfilled throughout life and the same thing is remembered by the person at the time of death and he takes another birth to fulfill the same thing. If you understand it in more simple words, then every person should be happy in life or else he worries about his relatives. Which is with him all the time in life and the same concern remains with him even after death. And even at the time of death, the person is worried about the same happiness and relatives and each of the same happiness and relatives takes another birth to fulfill his wish and he also works in the second birth to fulfill the same desire. He works till his wish is fulfilled. And the desires of man are also such which are never fulfilled and one after the other wishes keep coming in the life of man and he keeps on taking birth and he never gets salvation.
So now the question comes that how does a man get salvation. And how does a man become worthy of attaining salvation? So his answer is that man gets salvation only when he renounces all his desires, associates with satsangi, goes to the shelter of his East Dev and by renouncing all worries, he can either by the order of his Guru or his East Dev. When I live a life and do good deeds by being under his command and serve people and do not hate any person, then leave the hope of sin and virtue and work for the happiness of our East God by obeying his orders. Live life on the path and take others on the path shown by them and do their life welfare and take the word of your East God to every person and take the name of your East God continuously and do satsang and kirtan. And be your East God or no one should ever be angry with any person for anything, and by helping yourself, you can save their life and never turn away from the path shown by your East God and get salvation in life. get it
Now we go to that question whether every person comes to take Yamraj after death or comes to take his East God. So his answer is that usually Yamraj comes to take every person after death and he is the God of death, as we have generally heard and we also believe that. But it has been seen many times that many human beings are not Yamraj but come to take their East God instead of Yamraj and that person is not Yamaloka after death but Vaikuntha is like God, Shiva is Lok, if he goes to such Dham then its The answer is that whichever God a person gives the most importance in his life and always walks on the path shown by him, then those who are his east gods after death do not let him go to Yama Lok and that person after death. He takes them directly to their abode and gives them salvation. And that person, being freed from the cycle of birth and death, lives in the shelter of God. And it is also said that whatever God a man worships on earth and stays in his shelter, then man sees God directly after death. And it is also said that the time of salvation of man lasts only till he does not get the fruits of the virtues done by man and when man gets the fruits of his virtues completely, then he can return to the earth. But takes birth and after doing good deeds from back, again he works to attain salvation and attains salvation.
And now we talk further that what is the secret of the wandering soul? And now we will know about the wandering soul, why is it called a wandering soul? Often we hear about the wandering soul in our life and their story and movies are also very scary, then that wandering soul says that the person who has died prematurely and they have not completed their prescribed life in their life. That person becomes a wandering soul after death and till then his soul keeps wandering till he gets salvation. But in many tales it is also seen that the person who defiles a cow, a woman or any sacred relation, then that person has to incarnate in the vampire vagina, who never get salvation. It is said about the wandering soul that if you give death to a person without cause, then that person keeps wandering in the phantom vagina until that person completes his revenge. The wandering soul wanders all the time to get its second body. And seeing any other body, she comes to reside in them and in whose body the wandering soul comes, that person's full control is in the hands of that soul and that person acts according to that soul.That's why we call him a wandering soul. Lord Swaminarayan says in his Shikshapatri that no person should ever hurt and should come under the shelter of God. By which all his sorrows are removed and the person gets salvation in life. Souls are in many ways like witches, deceivers, demons and ghosts, there are many types of them. However, two types of things come to mind in human beings. Some people say superstition and some people even talk about seeing them. So this thing happened about the wandering soul.
Now the next question is that what happens when the soul goes to Yama Lok or to any other abode and how his next birth is decided. When the soul of a person goes to the abode of God by doing good deeds, then God welcomes him and God calls all the good deeds done by that soul to all his devotees and the good deeds that the soul has done to all the devotees. He advises to do good deeds in your life. And by giving them salvation due to good deeds, they give them a place in their refuge. And now the next thing is when the further birth of the soul has to be decided. Then, when the soul goes to the abode of God, then all the relatives who died before that soul and those who are yet to be born on earth, they get it. And after meeting that soul, whatever God's abode goes to, that God tells the soul the deeds of their sins and virtues and knowing that, the soul takes birth back on the earth to redress the sins committed by it and when the soul is After getting rid of all the sins, the soul after going back to the abode of God and attaining salvation, being freed from all kinds of births, always stays in the abode of God and worships God by staying in the shelter of God.
But some special things should also be remembered in life which are useful in life. For example, when the body of the soul dies, the soul sees the Lord in its real form and starts worshiping the Lord. Then the devotion that is done to that soul is devotion done with selfless devotion. And the virtue that the soul gets in doing bhakti while staying in the body, the soul does not get the same virtue in doing bhakti in the form of its soul after the death of the body. Therefore, as long as the soul has a place in your body and as long as God Himself is present in your soul, do good deeds in life and no one should think ill of any person and one thing also comes that what is the soul of a human being? Time shows man the right path, so his answer is yes. But if you always want to win in life and want to walk on the best path in life, then worship God all the time and pray to God. Because God ni devotion and prayer is the food of the soul and as long as the soul continues to get the food of devotion, then God will have a place in the soul and always God will show you the right path in life and will bless you and will always show you the path of salvation in life. Will give you the strength to walk on the path of salvation and do your welfare. .
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