

C O L S O N (Part 11 and Epilogue)
Chapter Eleven: Au Revoir

January 23rd, 8:00 AM

Trevor's car came to a stop. We were here, the police cars would stop as well, luckily for us, they didn't have the sirens on. So that wouldn't alert anyone, Trevor would lead the police to some sort of secret hatch, it was buried deep in the sand. He then came over to us.

Trevor: "Now, if you want to go in there and take them on, you're going to need to be very very careful. Got it? Don't get yourselves killed in there."

Me and Megan would nod towards Trevor before we all fist bumped each other. This was about to get very crazy, very fast.

After that, we were ready to go. We opened the hatch and jumped in, making sure to close it behind us. After all of this time, we were here, about to be in the most intense fight in our lives, and after we accomplished that, we could find Maxine. At last, I'd find my friend.

The police were ahead of us, they were exploring the area, taking looks left and right as they progressed down the secret hideout. The three of us nod towards each other before joining the authorities. This was frightening, but I had to do this. I couldn't leave her.

Me: "She has to be here somewhere, please tell me she's here."

Trevor pats me on the shoulder, he was trying to tell me that we were going to find her, that she was alright and that his father would go down.

Trevor: "You'll find her kid, I know you will, let's go."

I nodded, but before I could say anything, I heard gunshots come from in front of us. Was that them? Just in case, we decided to take cover. The shouts and yells of the police as they were unloading their bullets onto whoever was attacking them. Trevor signals for me and Megan to go.

Me: "Trevor, what are you doing? We need to help you-"

Trevor just shook his head and told us to go, I suppose he was going to help the police with the shootout, I took one last look at Trevor before patting Megan on the back, we needed to go.

As the sounds from the gun clash continued, me and Megan were trying to find our friend, we were rushing, so we bumped into a few tables here and there.

Me: "Hey! Show us your face, you son of a bitch!"

We would stop in front of some big, metal door, was this what we were looking for? Both of us gave a look towards each other before nodding, I walked up to the door. Before I could even touch the door though, it opened. As soon as I saw who came out of the door I recognized them, the ruler of them all, Jon Gutenberg.

We backed up and glared at the man, this was him, how did I know? The way he walked plus his clothes made it obvious. The three of us stood there for a while before one of us actually said anything.

Jon: "Well, look who it is, Colson Matthews and Megan Pryler eh? Have to give you props, you made it this far."

The psycho just walked straight past us, not saying another word. I gulped, but Megan gave me a look, we were going to follow him. Although we obviously had to do it silently.

Jon would go into the room where all of the commotion was, it was a.. terrific sight to see how the room was now, bodies were on the floor stacked on top of each other, blood on the walls, the whole police force was about gone. There was only one man left, this was a massacre.

I almost puked, seeing all of that blood, definitely something I wasn't used to seeing. I got myself together as we watched Jon, wondering what he would do next.

He simply gave his men a look, they fled almost immediately, to think an old man could be so.. terrifying. Was this really a good idea? I sigh and start to contemplate, what was there to contemplate? If anything, we were dead. Really dead.

That's when I felt a hand land on my shoulder, it was him. The man chuckled before looking at the both of us. I practically froze, was this it? This was such a dumb idea, why did I do this?

Jon: :Well children, should we get started? I know exactly what you're here for."

He shoved us forwards, guess we had no choice. We followed him upstairs, but then I realized something, where was Trevor? He sort of just vanished. Did Jon get to him without us noticing? I doubt it, Trevor's probably hiding somewhere, right?

So we walked up the stairs and this is when Jon went up to another door and slightly opened it, I could barely make out anything, but I knew the sicko had someone in there. Was it who I was looking for this entire time? If so, why would he reveal them to me? Why was he doing this?

Jon opened the door, that's when I saw her, she was alive. Max, that was her. A smile came across my face. Then I realized, bruises were all over her body. That's when I felt rage, greater than anything I've ever felt, I gave a look towards Jon.

Me: "What did you do to her? Tell me!"

He simply glared at me as a response, he walked over towards the horrified girl and started to untie her. He was letting her go? No way.

Jon: "Don't worry about those, that's just from a few… sparring sessions we had."

I let out a growl, as if this guy hadn't pissed me off enough. If you think I roughed up Trevor bad, you don't know how bad I'm going to beat Jon. He was already sick enough..

Jon: "You want your friend so bad? Here, take her, I don’t need her no more."

Just like that, he released her, but as soon as he did, Jon pulled out a gun and shot her straight through the skull. My eyes widened as I watched my best friend collapse onto the rocky floor, she was dead. I froze in place before I noticed something, he was aiming the gun in our direction. It seemed like he was choosing who to kill next, me or Megan. I pulled myself together and got out my gun.

Jon: "It's a shame really, to think you came this far, just to lose the one you were looking for."

It looked like he was about to shoot me, but at the last second he switched to Megan and pulled the trigger, life felt like it was moving in slow motion, like a movie or something. I ran in front of her, taking the bullet for her, she was my friend, my best friend. I fell onto the ground as the bullet hit my chest and abdomen area.

Megan: "Damnit, hey Colson, you alright? Colson?"

She yelled and pulled out her gun, last thing I saw before I passed out was them shooting each other at least three times. Damn, were we really all dead? Was this all for nothing? Those were my last thoughts before I passed out for good.


I woke up in a hospital bed, who brought me here? How am I still alive? I try getting up, but I just end up yelling in pain. The gunshot wounds, right. I lay down and sigh, it was all for nothing. I needed to see Megan, I wanted to know if she'd be okay.

"Excuse me, can I see Megan Pryler? I need to talk to her."

I couldn't really talk, but I managed to get the words out. The doctor shook his head, I stared at the bed I was in, was she already dead? I laid back on my bed and started to silently weep, as I knew what he would say next.


I would walk around the graveyard, flowers in my hands, it was for the both of them. I looked around at the gloomy area that was all around me. I had gotten them killed, it was all my fault. The wind was heavy and cold, the trees looked like they were on their last breath, everything around me was dead. I approached Maxine's grave first, bending downwards and placing the flowers right next to her gravestone. They were both dead, I was practically alone now. I then walked over to Megan's grave, placing the flowers right next to hers as well.

I shedded a tear before patting both of their stones, may they rest in peace. I looked at their graves one last time before making my way home, would Megan forgive me if she was still alive today? That is something I will never get to know, one thing I do know is that I'm never being a detective again, it was horrible. That time as a detective was awful, and the only thing that made it better and was there for me about the entire time was Megan.

Technically Trevor helped out too, huh, guess I'll go there and see how he's doing right now. I'm sorry, Megan and Maxine, I could have been so much better, and now you're both dead. I'm so damn sorry. Not everything has a happy ending, unfortunately.

© C O L S O N