

Stage fright is a major problem for the talented students. This phobia is something which always keep them afterwards while facing audience, and it will be affecting their personality.

However, I have gone through this fear and I can feel that how difficult it is, such students can't even ask questions from their teachers because of this, they lack in their knowledge and when you do not have proper knowledge then you may not discuss anything.

In this case your parents and friends can play a big role in boasting your confidence. I've seen many kids who speak boldly just because of their parents and when your parents are friendly with you. Then such students will soon become mature.

When they get awareness, they will improve their personality, communication skills and many more. Other than that negativity will vanish from their minds, and they will flow with a positive comprehension.

Now a question arises in the mind of every child that how to get rid of it?
The solution is to face big crowds as many times as you can and parents should be friendly with you.

written by Aman Saleem
