

Money Comes &Goes But Life Only Comes Once
It's not about having a lot of stuff or having a lot of money to be rich. It all comes down to how you live your life. Come up with a tale to go along with it.

All my life I've dreamed of becoming a poet.
Becoming a poet doesn't mean i need to be rich , but it makes me happy it's who i am.
I've always heard the term( money can buy you everything, but it can't buy you happiness).
I stand by that everyday of my life..

True happiness is gained by the people around you.
you can be filthy rich but still be the saddest person.
To me the truest thing in life is what a person writes as i say if you want to know me!( know me through my words not my appearance).

You sometime meet people in your life who are barely getting by financially but they can be the happiest people you've ever met.

I've met people like that and i envy those people.
My life happiness was never money.
My happiness and satisfaction is when i write even on my worse days sometimes writing just gives me the feeling that i need to be in another world.

People give you happiness, accomplishments give you happiness and also most importantly love.

Money comes and goes but life passes by everyday.
Be what makes you happy and be the change you see in yourself.

© helana