

Before You Die, Live.
we're all going to die. the average human lives 79 years. how old are you now? have you lived 1/3 of your lifespan yet? does it feel like you have? does it feel like just yesterday you and your siblings were running through the yard playing tag? you're not there anymore. you're older. your time is always ticking. One day we won't be here anymore. So why do we waste our time on things as trivial as school? Or work, or stressing over paying bills? Why do we choose our careers based on how well it will let us provide for ourselves? Why? We are going to die.
I think about it a lot. it's what keeps me up at night. the fact that we're all going to die one day. we're going to die. we won't be here anymore. there will be nothing left. it all seems so pointless. why do we fight for a life that's going to end anyway? we are nothing in a world full of life. everything comes and goes and if you don't want to be here, why are we? sometimes I wonder what it would be like if I could enjoy every day as it is. not think about the fact that I'm alive, and not think about the fact that one day I won't be. just to live. In the moment. Enjoy I, because it's going to end. but my brain is wracked to the top with anxieties; I have to please them. Why? I have to go to college....