

Before You Die, Live.
we're all going to die. the average human lives 79 years. how old are you now? have you lived 1/3 of your lifespan yet? does it feel like you have? does it feel like just yesterday you and your siblings were running through the yard playing tag? you're not there anymore. you're older. your time is always ticking. One day we won't be here anymore. So why do we waste our time on things as trivial as school? Or work, or stressing over paying bills? Why do we choose our careers based on how well it will let us provide for ourselves? Why? We are going to die.
I think about it a lot. it's what keeps me up at night. the fact that we're all going to die one day. we're going to die. we won't be here anymore. there will be nothing left. it all seems so pointless. why do we fight for a life that's going to end anyway? we are nothing in a world full of life. everything comes and goes and if you don't want to be here, why are we? sometimes I wonder what it would be like if I could enjoy every day as it is. not think about the fact that I'm alive, and not think about the fact that one day I won't be. just to live. In the moment. Enjoy I, because it's going to end. but my brain is wracked to the top with anxieties; I have to please them. Why? I have to go to college. Why? I have to get a car and learn to drive and grow up and take responsibility. Why? Why? Why?!?!

I have spent my entire life wondering why I'm here. If the world is going to toss me around like a cheap ragdoll for the rest of my life, Is this a life worth living? Time flies when you're having fun. But it flies no matter what. One day we will be lying in our death beds thinking about how it's ending. We will be wondering what happened to all of the time we had. Young people have it right!

Yeah, the society we have today revolves around money and government and a system. And it works. But how many people die happy? We are humans. We are advanced enough to design rockets that reach other planets. We are advanced enough to create tiny super computers, we are advanced enough to get in giant hunks of metal that somehow keep themselves up in the sky, we are advanced enough to replace our bodily organs! Yet, we aren't advanced enough to see that none of this matters; that phone doesn't matter. That rocket ship doesn't matter; that plane does not matter. unless it does. Before you die, maybe you want to see another planet. Before you die, maybe you want to soar across the sky, before you die, maybe you want to save someone's life! And you can!

But don't do it because it's a well paying job. Don't do it because it's what our parents expected out of you. I find it funny. There are people who go day in and day out of their lives. The same thing every day. Sitting a desk, filling out paper work. They hate their lives but they live it anyways. And then there are others who hate their lives because the world dealt then a deck of cards they had no idea how to play; and they end it. They throw down their cards. Those people see how pointless it is and they want to live but don't know how.

Before I die I want to smile. I want to feel free. Life is harder for me than usual. Now, before you start saying I'm not the only one, here me out. Anxiety makes people stress about things that don't need to be stressed about. Depression makes people lie in bed and wonder what all of this is for. Mental illness makes it harder to live. I want to live. I want to be happy, but I don't know how. I don't care if I make a lot of money, I don't care if I have a fancy house or nice clothes. I just want to be me, and be happy to be me! I don't want to spend the rest of my life teaching or writing or editing videos. I want to spend the rest of my life being happy! Yes, I would love to teach. I would love to publish and book and I would love it produce something amazing before I die. But I don't really want a job.I want my life to be like a song. Every now and again, the beat picks up and the lyrics don't make sense, but people love listening to me. I make people happy, I make them calm. I am messy but somehow perfectly sensible.
Sometimes its hard for me to convince myself that it's all worth it. Right now, I hate the world. Every day I wish I wasn't here; every day I worry about tomorrow. The only thing keeping me going is the fact that before I die, I want to be happy. When I die, I want to die because I've lived. I don't want to go before then. I think the reason people are so scared to die is because they haven't lived yet.
I'm not scared of death. I'm scared of what I will miss and who I'll hurt when I'm gone.

I know that sometimes it's hard to keep going when you don't have a reason. But I think you do. I think some day you'll see what it is. Now I don't mean a purpose or fate or destiny; I don't believe in those things. I mean a reason you want to live.

Sometimes I forget mine, and sometimes I wish I didn't want to live. Because maybe that would be easier than facing this world and knowing that everyone I meet will one day die.

But I keep going.

So I think you should too❤️