

the man from beyond the corn
The sun beats down onto the back of Rady who is a long time farmer and a long time friend to the people of Clainton a town which was built in itself. Mr. Rady lived on outskirts of town just about three miles down a long dirt road is where his farm house stands.
The sun light shoots down onto Mr. Radys white flesh that flerish over his high manly features and he had a perfect outline structure of a boyish facial bones. That is under his skin that strips back over it.
So it was almost Halloween and so the town of Clainton was getting ready for the annual parade and Mr. Ready he was out in his corn field he was going to make. A maze out of his corn. So when he was out there it was a soft day so not to warm or to cold just right.
And he was trying make the maze a difficult one so people will get lost with few corners. And banks turns, and few ways diverse to either side. One way to the left and to the right and cuts back out around a corner to left which is dead end and once Mr. Rady was almost done.
A warm sun started pierce through the sky as Mr. Rady was in the middle of his maze working on it.
Then a man appoarched Mr. Ready from behind him as the man had a slender thin appearance to his white patched skin that latches itself against the bones of his perfect outline of his structure in his facial body of his manly. Appearance that gives him a snake like body.
The man had a funeral store on like he was going to church for a funeral. The man had a black hat on his head the man had a blue dress shirt, and his suit coat was black, even his slacks where black.
Mr. Rady turns as the man stands before him. The only thing was that Mr. Rady had a feeling like he was a trapped canary in a birdcage down a coal mine. So the Man had a real coolness to him, and the man began to speak. "Do you mind telling me why you stole my land?" "excuse me" Mr. Rady had to think for a moment of what he was trying to tell him but it didn't make any since of what he was talking what land. "Your land I'm sorry sir but this land is mine and mine alone" "Is that so?" "Yes" "Let me tell you then boy I was personally was born on this land before you were just a little egg in your mama stomach. So if I were you is that you get off my land before I do something that I will regret." - "Your land sir this land has been in my family for over a century you just can't come on here and tell me that I need to leave." "You know I want to believe you truly but what is mine is mine and I want you to get off my land you hear me boy?" "Yes I hear ya but this land is mine" Mr. Rady started to walk right by and headed little in the direction of his farm house. That is little straight northwest from where he is standing. The man puts his dark and stops Mr. Rady in his tracks the man looks down before Mr.Rady and he was not done with him yet.
"I wouldn't do anything drastic there sir." "Look you better get off my land and go back to wherever you have come from" - "The only thing is that this land isn't really yours now is it."
After that little visit Mr. Rady frantically searches for the deed for the land and so he finds it and he wanted to go show this to the man. And so he looks at the title of the property And there he sees his name and ex wife's name on it. And he spent all night until the sun came up the next day.
So Mr. Ready slams through his patio door and he goes around to the side of the house he stops in his tracks he sees the man standing by the well that is older than the house itself.
The man was getting a drink of water from the well. The man looks up to Mr.Rady who had proof that this land was his. He hands the deed to the man the man then takes it from him and he takes a look at it.
The man looks up from the deed and tears it apart and sprinkles it in the wind and he seemed not to amused at all by it and then the man sees a spade right up against the wall of the house then the man grabs hold of it and then gives Mr. Rady a big smack across his face and he falls down to the ground. "What the hell?" The man gets down low while holding onto the shovel in his hand. Mr.Rady slowly backs up with the palms of his hands.
"I'm sorry about that, but you think a little piece of paper will help you out with this problem of you stealing my land and putting up a corn field." "Look this land is mine sir that was the deed that was proof that this is my land" Mr.Rady gets up and the man follows from behind. "Come on now you know better don't ya?" - "That stealing someone else's land is wrong by the given god all mighty himself the power to strike you down if needed for he is punisher, the judge, and the executioner of your sins" "Get off my fucking land" As he gets to the steps of the front porch and runs up the stairs and goes inside.

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