

Rape Causes part 4
Men are scared of a woman’s sexuality, so that needs to be suppressed. She evokes the need in them, thus there is a dislike for the passive yet undeniable power that she wields over them.There are rape myths- No means yes; a lady never says yes; women like to be taken by force; Women who drink are an easy lay; outgoing women like to experiment in all areas including sex, etc. By perpetuating such myths women have been deprived of their voice or agency to exercise her choice. Most of the time the accused are not even aware that what they have done amounts to rape. They admit to forced sex but refuse to accept it as an act of rape. Then, there are date rapes. Boyfriends who don’t know when to stop because they fail to comprehend the concept of consent. In some tribal areas, there are customary practices of taking women by force. Lack of safety measures also plays a part. In villages, women have to venture out at night as there are no toilet facilities at home. This puts them at risk.Another reason is the lack of sex education. Adolescent boys have an urge to explore. A skewed sex ratio, lack of accessibility and negligible interaction with people of the opposite sex play havoc on impressionable minds fed with easy access to porn. Also, the profanity of using vulgar lyrics in songs needs to be curbed. There are item numbers where the woman is projected as no more than an object of desire. This causes women to be viewed as commodities, meant to be consumed and ravished. Sexually obsessed rapists don’t consider women as human beings but as an object that can be violated with impunity.