

2023 In Hindsight: Our Future Past
Spent most of my morning traversing through old news stories from 2023 and remembering all that we went through this year, and I've got to say:
It was truly the year of the rabbit hole. I'm convinced that millions more began to think for themselves, question, and take red pills like never before.
Look how far we've come.
And we've done it together.
Truly remarkable.
I know that it has been hard for so many of us, both spiritually and mentally. But we've truly become hardened diamonds through it all.
We've just to keep going.
If you feel lighter after sharing things with others, be prepared to feel heavier if and when they judge you, as they should as to err is human first! Before anything else.
Becoming strong enough on your own is a journey of self-discovery, self-empowerment, and personal evolution on a macro scale. At the beginning of the year 2023, I stood emotionally and small as every change in behavior and criticism drove me cynical, becoming strong is a journey but once mastered in all multiverse, You would have taken The Red Pill. We're facing lots of challenges ups and downs almost always simultaneously, We are STRONG and Beyond, It's my life and I will write all my chapters from grass to grace to immortality.
#2023 #hindsight #reflection #self-respect #affirmations #postoftheday