

Voyage Incroyable
There was a rainbow of clouds forming an arc in the sky proliferating, then appeared a silhouette image of a person relinquishing and enchanting tune, which mesmerized everyone gazing at it. Nisha felt the serenity all around her..."splash!" There came a bucket full of water, damping her whole body as well as her favourite pillow. "What the hell is wrong with you?" She cried. There was a blurred image standing next to her bed, she rubbed her eyes and had her specs on, her younger sister Sandhya was there smiling and pulling her off the bed and said, "Look, what time is it! You have to get ready for the trip...Come on!" She hung her head on both of her hands, trying so hard to recall..."what trip?" She asked her sister. Sandhya instantly held her head tightly and twisted on her right side. "Ouch!" She screamed and there on the wall was her little trail of wishlist going from one end of the wall to the other. "Oh my God, I completely forgot..." She exasperated. Nisha rushed into the bathroom and later got dressed and took her favourite sling bag, her phone, headset, lotion, lip balm and the list when on and on until it was bulged out.

They were going on a road trip in Campervan. Her long lost desire of having one of those, she was very excited. After an hour of delay both of them rushed outside the gate. "Boo!" Their friends Danny and Vish were there hiding behind the gate..."Oh my god! You scared the hell out of me!" Sandhya exasperated. Nisha could see the joyous faces of both. Anyway, we stuffed ourselves in the Campervan with all the edibles. We screeched, out of excitement, that finally our journey had started to Solan in Himachal Pradesh India.

They were all set for the journey and as they went along the highway, their excitement was only soaring in the 'Paradise of Earth'. It was a blissful experience...so they halted for a while, "Ah!" Nisha couldn't believe her eyes on what she saw...'Abode of Clouds' with all the rainbow colours in an ephemeral way. She wanted to pinch herself and check if it was real, until she froze for few seconds, there was a silhouette image of a person in the sky...She went numb, she couldn't feel anything at that moment...and went speechless. A little murmur in her head said, "How is it possible?" She had asked this question, a hundred times perhaps, within those few seconds. There was no possible reason as to why she was able see the exact similar dream which was about to happen. There's no way she could do that, have some kind of premonition. Suddenly, she felt some energy rushing through her body especially in her eyes.

"A huge rock was rolling down the hill with a little tremor." Nisha saw this dream with her opened eyes in a broad daylight. She was taken aback with what she saw, it was almost like a dream but more realistic at feel-- she couldn't synthesize it or make any sense out of it; She didn't want to belief that whatever she saw could even happen to be real. She was getting agitated as she couldn't understand how to deal with it and finally came to a conclusion that she would not let these things get into her head.

Her sister could anticipate that something was bothering her, "Is their any problem?" She asked inquisitively. Nisha couldn't tell her about something which she wasn't even sure off, so she lied and diverted their attention towards resuming their journey. After driving for a while, Nisha could feel the van had started shaking unusually. She felt that jolt of intimidation caused by the very dream she had earlier and it almost felt like it was about to happen for real. She instantly asked everyone to be seated and fasten their seatbelts, as the shivering was soaring rapidly.

Nisha could see the horrific incident happening right in front of her...the rocks were shaking and rolling down the hills on the roadside, the pine trees had started waving too and fro making eerie howling noise and even the mountains at distant were visibly shredding into fragments. Nisha was barely driving...then all of a sudden the van jerked towards left, leaning from the cliff. Everyone started screaming and blabbering and praying at the same time. Nisha's hands were on the steering...shaking and sweating until her sister Sandhya, gathered Danny and Vish walked shakily towards Nisha screamingly said, "Nisha...Nisha...get up! We have to get out of this van. It can crash any moment now...get up." They barely managed to reach the emergency exit at the back and Danny unconventionally broke the glass and started jumping out of the exit. While they were escaping, the van had tilted to a greater extent. Nisha managed to get her sister out successfully but while she was trying to let herself out she slipped her hand and flipped backwards. She was badly hurt on her head.

SPLASH...! There came a bucket full of water, damping her whole body as well as her favourite pillow...

© Neelam Sharma