

Hmm What's In The Back Or At Your Window Or On that block.
once he walked in to the
building all had there
guns ready but he was
a ghost
And he got through
the cover fire
to that end of the window
And jumped out
on to the first floor
where he rain in to
her an oldde but goodde
And she pointed in the direction
of the man in the car
And he rolled down his windows
And said this you gone through
all that and now this bang
but he was a ghost
so he was not hurt by
none of that and then
he reappeared and said I can't be
hurt by none of that
you can sweat me but
I got back
cause I am not hurt by none
of that
Then he reappeared in the car
with the man and took
his wheels and left him
on the street corner
at north an vine in Cali
but who knew where he
would show up next
in your town in your city
oh he is blink and you miss him
he so slick you didn't even see
who's that I forgot
who's this I don't know
but one thing for sure he
knows you and your crew
And he about fitting you all
for the business
his gun an life style
making it rain with fame
And bread that last for days
on end. Oh he got people on
the streets say oh get at him
instead of them.
well I as a bystander say
oh the ghost always mess my
rug and throw papers
in front my door I tell
you I may clean up but
I am not paying no paper
man bill even if you leave it
by the mail boxes
instead of in front of there doors
And on some streets them papers
pile up as if your biller moved.
But the ghost of the situation always
sees how the it goes down from a far
to understand that some weird voice
wants another voice to get hurt for
her and then it ran up to hide but something let it in her apartment but
in there maybe a terror cause that lady
that said that been bringing people in on the regular but they have not been leaving out. But what is it . I don't know
but it keep talking smack with out
snacks and I can't get with that
so I am like up the back steps in the hall
creep trying to wait for your ass
but you disappear in a cloud of smoke that should not be in the area. But hey
in the building you let one off. And you
told them all people you all going to pay
me and my ghost ass the dough so I
can whip it at where ever.
Cause he on the truck in the back of
that small strip male waiting on my with my bags packed so I can go to north Carolina an not look back. But it's a real bad pandemic down there so he here
And ready to roll but that pandemic is not low in Maryland either so he ready
to roll out.
Then the ghost screams out and changes
into we only know what and sets it
off up in here with a big ass fast.
let lose by the best in that terror
called hine noise. So can a ghost
fast yes it can. See smell it
yeah you don't want it now right
oh I thought so.
Bounce bounce here she come running
but who asked her to come up
in this and wear half of nothing
at all. Groupys want it but I be disappear ing on them like a storm out the area
or snow off the ground when melted.
Or rain after the wetness of it is
over right.
Yes in all this I got bit by
a vampire now I walk
around blinking
And looking for money to eat up
that has most of my days
on trap mode pushing it all
in to get the most out.
But if you run in to me you may not
see me as I bite you and disappear
And then reappeared blinking on
for the spin of up in the air
got me whipping it like never
before. Oh and yes I am still out
here but just not scene by
crime or more money's floating
like floaters all around this buzz
of my gold smack in the hall
out of some who just happened to
get out the rolls.

© lashes