

Darkside of the mind crimes- Beggar killer pt 9
Dear Diary,

I write to you today with a heavy heart. I can't believe you have been violated like this. I am shocked at my mistery killer. This has been a deep personal attack.

I want to let you know my friend this fiend won't hurt you as bad. "She" is just a bore it would seem."She"needs help as "she" so inhumane how could this all help me feel free. I had a copy made of the page after the forensic team just checked you. I don't know what will happen next, I fear that "she" might evolve for fun and taunt me even more.

I went for a walk after I gave you up and could stop looking over my shoulder now and again. Every female became my target. Every one that went "unseen". This is eerie for me as everyone think I am obsessive and even the psychologist was under the lens, which made it quite awkward.

I can't trust in what the wrote as most of the things "she" has done so far is to make everything complicated and to waste time. This killer is very complex hence I can only speculate at this time to be a female and some kills seem to be very artistic and precise and some female killers are known for some finesse as "she" mentioned the Glass queen had some figurines at the scene.

"She"also went through you and could and I can only say, that I know I am stuck with my past and I need to let go of it and some say you seem so toxic to me,but.. I CAN'T LET YOU GO. I feel so safe here and liberate my thoughts of these impeding killings.. As I said why do I have to bother with people if they don't understand me.. It just feels like a waste of time and this "love" thing makes it ever nauseating..

It's also that not a lot of people can understand or cope with what I say most of the times, as I have an awkwardness about me that I can't express certain thought o feelings and believe me I tried. The last girl I was with couldn't handle our date as she was just so inclined to know about my case and could see that I was upset. After I told her about the scene see was just pale and then silent... So much for that and the irony of it all was that she wanted to study to become a psychologist.. Well that took the hell out of her.. Maybe she became a teacher I don't really know and as a matter of fact I am done with bothering to think about it aswell..

Anyways I can't ruminate too much on this I am also getting to emotional this time and I can't think about this case properly and I need to bring my A-game to this and I can't allow distractions .These few hints from my "crush" seem as if it wants to be a hater from my previous cases or partners of the fellons as I do know I ruffled some feathers.

So I started going through my previous cases .. Well it didn't start out so well as people I have gone to, to ask some questions and lets just say the encounters have been harsh. Like the witnesses in some of the cases was panicking and they seemed shocked as if I had bad news for them. Some burst into tears even before I open my mouth.

Some of the fellons lovers screamed and kicked me as they moved on from these people and don't want anything to do with me. Some even ran away as they thought I was going to arrest them for crimes they are probably commiting for the fellons. I don't really care as much I am running out of options and the chief will probably breath against my neck again and wants to force me off this case. Believe me fallen ones I will get justice for you and I think it will come soon.

© The cube said it