

Behind her smile

The smile on my face is real,
It bears witness to how I feel...

Her smile can light up a room,
but her smile is groomed, so others
can be fooled

Behind her smile, the sadness shows,
because her smile kind of glows
but no one really knows

She tucks away the untold pain, only to
expose it in the pouring rain
it's the only thing keeping her sane

There are moments you'll see her laugh
and that's a glimpse your lucky to have,
but her smile is always half

Behind her smile, lies her insecurities, and flaws because no one told her she was beautiful at all that fake smile is her reality

Living in the shadows is all she knows,
keeping others at Bay, so they don't get to close, but her heart is always cold

This isn't the life she would have chose,
but for now her smile is just a pose
showing the world joy even through her lows

© Veronica Stevens