

The law of reciprocal returns demands that: WE DO TO OTHERS AS WE WANT THEM TO DO TO US. This world is full of people who expect special,
cordial, gentle treatment from other people when they are the least interested in giving that same treatment.
Secular, social and religious stories are full of instances where the law of reciprocal returns works, and other instances where it does not work. In such situations it is difficult to maintain sane, cordial, respectful society.
How does the government of the day try to imbue in the minds of everyone the priciple of gentle behaviour and interpersonal relationships?
Primarily, at the top of National and International governance, there is always the National Constitution in which is enshrined all that the country or state stands for. At other levels such as state institutions, business centers, schools, University, etc, the National or State Constitution is brought on board through printouts, etc.
Everyone must take note of the following: Would you like someone to be kind, gentle, loving, patient in dealing with you? Then do the same to people you meet all the time. That is the law of reciprocal returns.
How would problems in the homes, workplace, schools, Universities, governance, cease ? Apply the law of reciprocal returns. Be a gentle, cordial, humble and cosiderate citizen.