

Undiluted love.
(Not proofread)

"Just kill me instead"she plead with tears cascading her caramel skin, with sinister smile and mischievous eyes he pulled out the dagger.
She couldn't read his mind but she knew someone was gonna die, her prayers are silent with hope that her intuition isn't right this time around.
Dragging her with her hair to an empty spot, he commanded her to sit on an iron chair with a voice so deep it that it gave the little girl chills.
(trigger warning)
Her mother was tied up right at the front of her, beaten, battered, and when she thought it was over she was made to watch as her tongue was pulled out. She couldn't do anything, she felt so useless, and then the dagger sunk in her mother's chest.
She heard a scream but she wasn't sure where it was coming from, her voice at this point wasn't hers to control, with menacing laugh he started cutting her into smaller pieces while watching the reaction of the girl.
At this point, she could no longer scream, the tears at this point stopped her eyes were wide opened and she seemed lifeless like a mannequin, the images of her ordeal was on repeat in her head, as if she was been mocked.She fell to the floor,pale shivering even though it was sunny outside.
"It was all my fault", she thought, " am at fault she repeated this lines as the images flowed inside her.Then within a blink of an eye everything was quiet and she couldn't breath again.
"The love of a mother so beautiful, so pure, so true and yet so scary" those words her teacher had said in class earlier flashed inside her mind she can no longer argue with that.

(I stopped writing for awhile, this year I want to really try to write more in hopes of getting better, am open to criticism.Thank you. Happy New year, wishing you a great year ahead.)

© Goldenwishes