

Why This Way? (Chapter-2)


Today's story stands in the end. This story based on your end. I know this sounds ridiculous. ....future is unpredictable and hows come I know who are you .....bla bla bla.....But I'm definitely sure you will be able to find your end....

Hence Today's character/mainlead/whatever you think about yourself is you.....So lets follow me to get it end......

Let me introduce you......you born without your concern..... few years later you little better start to understand the world and it's rule. You learn everyone has a goal to be successful in life and want get power,honor and richness. So then your intestines wants to be you in the same path. To accomplish the goal you need choose one from those below...


A. Occupation B. Passion

I know you familiar with those terms but here's the genuine explanation of those terms....

Occupation- Needs hard work and of course you have to doomed your real passion ......to confront yourself you will claim your occupation is your passion. Technically the charms of occupations influenced people to be in it......thats good

Passion- Unparalleled.....actually he/she has to die for it....but following people don't achieve worldly success.....but they will achieve spiritual success........

What happened confused?
But still you tend to refuse.....

I know you Choosed option A


Now you're trying to achieve more and more.....you'd done a lot of things to reach where are you standing now....Those things that are bad in disguise of good.......Honestly it's not worse actually ......what was worse thats your timing and circumstances......

Now here's come another common options.....that you always got and will get....you need to choose one.....


A. Past B. Future

aslo explained in brief

Past- Unchangeable.....You have learned a lot from it.....but still it's useless to dwell on the past .....

Future- You can do anything here by learning from the past.....

Perhaps you choose Option B. Future ......

Don't worry you will do a lot......

At last this will be your ultimate .....your end will depends on it....think carefully about this.....


A. Tragic B. Magic

Now you're confused again.....

Tragic- You definitely don't want it....but it happens with most peoples and they suffer as hell......the bitter side is that, tragic fallen down through the best things of your life.....for example love.....

Magic- You don't believe in it .....
neither I do....but you can take this term alternatively.....actually magic is your logic.....

Now let me ask you what's your end?

© jeni