


I can't understand why I'm stucked in this situation. I was about to carry this inevitable feeling in almost a decade. At first, all I thought is just a merely admiration and it was lasted in a month, I think?. And when years passed by, my feelings for you, is slowly evanesced and I didn't felt any torment at all. And many years had passed again, we crossed our path. By that time, I didn't know you or should I say I almost forget you, in  a reason that  we knew each other since we were in our first grade. At that time, I was shocked because you knew a little details about me. I was clueless at that moment, until you reacquainted yourself and I was  appalled when I heard some memorable details about you. I can't believe that the first guy I adore the most knew me, even though the last time we saw each other is almost 8 years ago. Days passed by, my feelings for you continuosly grows deeper. Yeah! You read it clearly, because all I can say is that we individuals are fragile if we really cherish the person. Till now, my feelings for you elongated as a river. Honestly, I've been trying to forget you in my mind, but sad to say my heart still beats your name. How ironic isn't it? There are some  guys out there tries to court me but still, they wont last because I'm still longing you even though there's no assurance at all. There are times I asked myself why I keep on chasing you? What's with you than the other guys out there? Frankly, I'm scared of commitments, rejections and some negative attributes of what love impact us human being.
(I used 2nd person POV)
- Aryzariam