

Troll Account
Hi! i would like to share my story to you guys and this story is ALL TRUE

Quarantine,is a big disaster that ever happened to me.I was so bored that i created an troll account and go to an online dating site:).

I was a heartbreaker so i decided to chat with other people and leave them like nothing happened/ghosting.

One day,i met this person that changed my life.He's name is Mark ,he is very loyal and fun person.We met at an online dating site,but we both go there to make friends! so we chatted for a while.Little did he know that i'm YEARS younger than him.

I almost gave him my personal informations but i remembered that this is an troll account and i should NEVER give him my personal informations.I only gave him my name which is Thea.

March 27
At exactly 12am i typed "palit tayo buhay" which means "lets change lives"
I didnt even realised that it was sent at exactly 12 am until He said we should not sleep for the rest of the night because he has a myth that when you wake up we would be changing lives!So i didnt sleep.He mentioned to me that we should to the "12 hours magjowa challenge" which means "12 hours couple challenge" because we are bored and we might sleep.At first it was so uncomfortable but later on i am flirting with hin WTH i realised that i should tell him that it was all troll and everytjimg that i said to him was a FAKE!

He confessed to me that he like me.So since this was a troll account,i said "i like you too" .I regret saying that because there will be a time that he will found out that i was trolling him all the time.That i was playing with his feelings!
"How could i DO that!You can't just hurt play with peoples feelings"i said to myself.He has a depression and i can't tell him who am i! He would kill himself.

I made a plan that i decided to write him a letter that i would tie myself.But he stopped me! i tried to ghost him but i can't leave him alone because he has a lonely life!

So there is this plan that i would give him clues of my personal informations and let him find my main account.But guess what the plan worked! that time i was happy but also sad for him.And we never talked to eachother again.


so uhm i wrote this because i regret everything that i couldn't get over with it!i was depressed because of that.I should never repeat this mistake ever again.Being a heartbreaker is a bad thing but it makes me happy.The only thing is i don't think what will the person feel.
