

the year gone...
The last year gone by, has been eventful in more ways than one. The college carried out the great ever programmes-Carreer counselling -that year. while many new operational concepts were tried out, which is worthy for the entire family of our college. The programme speaks highly about the professionalism for the students in which they are interesting.
Many great seniors and batchmates of mine asked different questions related to the profession they are interesting.
I shocked on seeing a good man of thoughts and morals ,asking questions about U P S C....
It is not a big deal to ask or talk about the Civil services examination, i my self know it very well.
the thing that surprised me is that the person is physically disabled, He is not having the lower portion of his legs..Allah bless him...
His Aim is to be An I A S officer...He is working hard for his dream, as his body did not support him but his heart and mind are completely with him...
i don't know the name of the person but i can say he is a person who is making every possible measure to fulfill his dream... The student is of our college @Amar singh college srinagar...
Their may be increasing challenges but he has to remain the first responder in such situations. In the days ahead,I wish him "Mission succession".
© Rosheen jahaan