

The darkside of the mind crimes - Dirty beggar part 6
Dear Diary,

Well, my friend my off day was the worst.. I know I failed my psych evaluation.. It is the end of my work on this case... I am not going to be able catch this "artist"..

Today everything went down hill.. I was disturbed this morning. Usually after my morning jog I would get ready for work if I had day shift.. I wasn't able to get in routine to get ready for the psych evaluation.. I had a package delivered. Also had gotten weird phone calls coming from the phone which was left on near the package..

Sometimes breathing or screams. I couldn't believe the killer is playing with me like this. I am thinking it could be someone at the office or this has become a personal thing for the killer..

Could I be the next victim? I can't tell my boss about this tho I have to come up with something to give the evidence to them so I can't be placed even further away from this case. I have to be concerned on other's safety rather than my own.. I need to increase my security subtly...

As I was on my way to the psych evaluation, I discovered my tires were slashed.. So I had to take a cab or the bus. I couldn't get a hold on the chief. Typical once I need a thing from the chief and want to lie a bit, stuff goes wrong.. but something more odd made me miss the appointment. Then I was involved accident.. I managed to get out with a few scrapes here and there.. a stiff shoulder and a slight concussion.. But I am okay..

Thing is I can't find my phone.. I was out for the majority of the day.. I begged the doctor I need to get out for a psych evaluation to stay on an important case..Hopefully my doctor's letter might help me on this case.. I also don't want sick leave for this injuries..

This case is haunting me.. I have to get to the office early.. I just have to skip everything and got to the office right now .. It is just 2 am.. I feel tired but I need to go. I must go.. Wish me luck..

© The cube said it