

words that are not in the dictionary
You know guys! There are some of our favorite words that are not in the dictionary. Those jargons or words, I may say, are exquisite. Their explicity is like a workmanship of mosaic. A beautiful master piece dearly created and owned by artists. But when it was in the haphazard broken form, it was valued by none. Even a beautiful mosaic can be execrated by someone. Sometimes, broken things and a recycler are a perfect match. And sometimes, people's logic and your effort level does not need to match. Every one can't have your cup of coffee. It's all about understanding! Understanding others with respect to their painful issues.
There are eminent terms, not included by a world reknowned dictionary like oxford but still they exist in our language of understanding. Basically, these expressions are suitable in various situations according to their usage but not identified as authentic words to be listed. The zemblanity is that these words are unidentifiable for the lexicographers. Either they don't consider them as meaningful words or they just sound useless to them. You can google it, if you want, merely there are twenty or more words that are exclusive of thesaurus. But the pecularity of the problem does exist. It's just like, it's not their cup of tea.
Similary, there are things in our life that are mostly not in our hands. But these are the problems or anxiety levels that consistently exist and persist in our minds. And we the human beings are constantly banging our heads to get the solutions before our pre-set deadline. Or we blindly convince ourselves that there is nothing to worry about, leave it! Why we can't make ourselves think neutrally? Or balanced? Everything is going to be okay! Their solution might not be in your dictionary but that does not mean the solution do not exist. Just wait for the perfect time. The perfect timing of your Lord. Don't be a headache to yourself for thinking about the uncontrollable affairs. It's all in your Lord's hands. If it is written for you, it will find you. It does not matter how complicated your issue is! If it is mend to be solved your way then you would be delighted but if it is mend to be solved your Lord's way then you should be even more thankful because an extraordinary expert is taking care of your subject. Just like all your problems that have been resolved since your childhood, when you were even unable to think properly. Lord did solve them! Doesn't He? Just trust Him, take a deep breath and Let it go!
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