

It has been couple of years since I've been observing marriages. Sometimes based on people's opinion or their experiences that sometimes left my judgement clouded and I end up saying "No I don't want to get married" but when I saw couples who were doing it against all odds then it will always be otherwise. What I've realised is that people are not the same, their intentions are not the same, leading into marriages ending up being different as well. I concluded based on that there are three types of people in marriages. The first one, who enters because of sexual benefits, those who avoided all red flags just because sex is good. Secondly, that one who enters because s/he grew up believing that marriage is just an achievement to him/her, those who don't know the dos and don'ts but hold that mentality that "as long as I am married" they don't care if the marriage is sour or not as long as the community label them as married it is okay. And thirdly the person who enters it because emotionally and physically s/he is ready to transfer the love s/he has to someone else, those ones who are stable enough, ready to sacrifice, to nurture, to set and abide by rules set within the marriage, believe in forgiveness and leaving pride at the door.
© HOPE.N❤️