

Magic Wizards Ep 5: The Tank Experiment. (Part 1)

Today's Read:Filled with reflect. Is Rj and Rege finally putting this Madison thing behind them?! If you wanna understand the story more please go back to the previous episodes. Let the story continue.

Previously on Magic Wizards, Mrs.Baren finally reveals where she's been going all this time with Tank. Mr.Baren finally accepts what it is and thanks Tank that night. Nancy visits the good ol store and has an interesting conversation bringing up Tank and Mrs.Baren. Rj discovers that Rage and Madison are a thing now and it causes conflict. Quincy and Rascals spot Sheila with Wizard B walking in the girls bathroom. When they question her, she says she doesn't know what they're talking about. Mr.jenkins gives Stewart a flash drive with a video and at family dinner they have a good laugh about it together. Tank has a secret encounter with Wizard B.

Ep 5: The Tank Experiment.

It was the last day before the weekend as the bell rung in Mr.Coppers class. Some things were still the same, yet some were about to change.

"Alright class. Dont forget the assignment on Monday. Bye now." he waved as they were leaving.

Quincy headed to his locker to put some of his things away. Of course, Rj and Rege were by his side as always. Along with Rascals the fairy. And like I said, things were about to change.

"So what experiement exaclty did this Neighbor Tank or whatever his name is wanna do with us?"Rj asked.

Rascals butted in.

"He didn't tell him, he just said it was important and that you'll love it."

"Isn't that the guy we saw last time that helped your mom out become a Cop?" Rege asked.

"Yeah that's him"

Quincy said looking closing his locker after finshing putting his last book away.

"Oh, he seems pretty nice then." finished saying. He received a text after.

Text:See you tomorrow (: _Madison.

Rage looked up again with a puzzling face.

"Is this tomorrow?"

"Yeah why?" Rascals asked.

"Oh, just had a little thing to do but im sure it won't be at the same time so its ok. Uh, I'll se you guys later."

Giving a weird exit he started to walk away. Rj watched him kinda figuring out what he's up to.

"Quincy, i'll catch up with you later. Okay?" He followed Rege.

Moments later he caught up to him.

"Hey Rege...listen...about the Madison thing..."

Rege interupts turning around for his attention.

"We don't have to talk about this. I know how you feel."

Rj looked to the ground. He sighed. He really couldn't believe he had let this conflict get this far. And wanted it to be over.

"I know , but i wanna talk about it. I know we haven't been the best of friends these past couple of days, but im gonna try to get over it. And about you dating Madison, I have to say that I'm more mad at her because of the way things ended... we broke up and i never knew why."

Rege sighed and looked away for a minute. Watching other people walk by with thoughts in his head he couldn't let out. Finally after a minute, he walked up giving Rj a bro hug. The two of them had felt a step closer now after the conflict had went on for so long.

"It's ok, thank you for understanding, im sorry too. I never wanna keep secrets like that again."

Quincy and Rascals were watching from a distance. Trying to figure out what's going on.

"Hmmm, I wonder what's going on there." Rascals said.

"I don't know, maybe they talked and they're good now. Or maybe they made a deal to tolerate each other for the sake of all the wizard A and B and that so we can figure out everything." Quincy answered.

"I hope so." (To be continued...)

#Mystery #Thriller #Suspense #Magic #Love #Heartbreak #Teendrama #Greenville #WizardA #WizardB

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