

Who Cares
Today was an ordinary day, nothing special really, just like many days I have spent these past few days, months and years, whichever is applicable. Or important. It could be. Or it could be not. Whichever you prefer. Or not. Whatever.

Nothing really excites me anymore, to be honest. Just made me thinking.
About nothing and everything.

This world have been…quite so different from the years that has passed.

Different would be the understatement of the year.

This world had turned into the baddest dream anyone could ever be in.

A living nightmare.

A world full of hypocrisy and silent cries and pleas that turned into scream, a screeching sound, of a wailing cry of a newborn baby in pure agony, but then everyone’s just shrugging their shoulder and mentally says, who gives a fuck.

Not really this world, anyway.

It’s the people residing in it.

People care.

Care more about what they look, how wonderful their lives seemed to be as far as their social media accounts would allow.

How perfect their relationships.
The clothes they wore.
Those wonderful places they’ve been.

Hiding the stench of rotting dirt lurking behind their shadows.

People care.

Care more about the latest trends on what’s in.

Everyone wants to be in. Nobody wants to be left out.

People care.
Care more about what others think of them. Act. Show a little less. Play the game of poker.

So where do I fit in this equation?

Someone who doesn’t fit in the equation.
Someone hiding behind these words but in reality keeping her mouth shut.

A mere spectator.

Eyes open and heart breaking yet hands are tied coz what difference could she make?

Who is she anyway.

As if anyone would care about her opinion?

And would anyone care to hear what she wanted to say?

When people today find it hard to take away their eyes on their phones and ears on their plug shutting the world out making their own world?

When was the last time you enjoyed a small talk without the “ping” sound on your phone dividing your attention?

When was the last time you enjoyed the sound of the birds chirping? Trees swaying from the cold wind brushes along the branches making it’s way on you making you shiver.

I’m telling you this world is so done I wonder if anything or anyone could fix this.

Do people still pray for peace in this world?

Or they only care about themselves as long as they’re safely tucked in bed away from harm?

Does anyone care?

That's a million dollar question.

© euphemia

A/N: Funny how I thought 2018 was a worse year, well I guess up until now I'd still ask: Who cares?
#World #peace #thoughts #writco #writcoapp #writers #Writing #prose