

Our Fate 4
John was surprised to see a big smile on Baaj's face because he was already burning with anger while they were waiting for the lady under the scorching sun. Baaj on the other hand was so happy to see Anna, he met her at the hospital back then and hoped to meet her again. As Anna approached them, Baaj comported himself and stopped smiling. Anna told them that she needs their apology because she helped Baaj the other night and John didn't even bother to ask her anything not to talk of apologizing for what Baaj did to her. John was amazed to hear Baaj apologize to her because he was the rich boy that is full of pride and would not apologize if he does something bad. John had no choice than to join him in apologizing to her. Anna was satisfied and accepted their apology, she then gave him the phone and as she turned back to start going, she just slumped and collapsed on the floor. John and Baaj hurried to carry her into the car and they drove her to the hospital. She was admitted into the hospital and the doctor told John and Baaj that she was alright only that she was exposed to things she wasn't supposed to be exposed to, so the doctor prescribed some drugs for them to buy for her so they went to buy them. John could figure out that Baaj was in love with the lady, judging the way he had been behaving towards the lady. The doctor told them that she'll be discharged immediately and they must make sure she takes her drugs consistently. Baaj assured the doctor that he would ensure that she takes her drugs daily. John was surprised to hear what Baaj said, he was thinking of how he would go about it, would he be going to her house everyday or what. They entered into the car with Anna and they drove her to her house. Baaj took her into her room while John waited in the car. Baaj saw a paper on her bed and read it, he saw that Anna was an AA genotype. He put Anna to bed, Anna thanked him and she asked for his name and he told her, she also told him her name and then they exchanged phone numbers. Baaj promised to call her and then he left her. John was in the car waiting for Baaj, when Baaj returned to the car, John asked him " I know you're in love with the lady, judging with the way you behave towards her" "Well.... I've met this girl before at the hospital and since then I've fell in love with her and I couldn't get to talk to her that day and then, we met at the party but I couldn't recognize her as I was drunk so I was surprised to see her again today and that was why I behaved like that. You know, I really like her and I think I'm in love with her", Baaj explained. John's mouth was wide open in amazement, he was surprised to hear Baaj say he's in love with a lady.

Day- by- day, Anna and Baaj's love grew, they do almost everything together, they go to dates, lovers park and other places together. But one thing that keeps bothering Baaj is the way Anna falls sick frequently and she's an AA genotype but he couldn't figure out why she falls sick almost every time.
© Ayomi✍️