

The haunted house
In a small town there was a girl with the name Lucia. She was a normal 17 years old girl with friends and a happy family.She was smart and kind . One day when she was returning from school her parents called her and told her ,that they had something to discuss .Lusia got a little bit worried and asked her parents what was wrong ,and the parents said to her that her father had found a new job and they had to move to a new town. She immediately got upset since everything she loved was there. The parents said that they were sorry too ,but they didn't have another choice. After that Lusia said that she understands them, and that she wants to say goodbye to her school and friends before going .After saying goodbye to them, they gather all their things ,and they left for the long journey to the new town. Lusia couldn't help but still feel upset. The parents were telling her not to worry because she would go to school again, and meet new people and make new friends .After some time they finally arrive at the new town ,and as Lucia was looking around she saw that the town was actually pretty beautiful and their house was beautiful too. The parents saw that she smiled and felt relieved.After they arranged all the things, they also registered Lusia at the new school.Lusia was very nervous because it was her first time in a new place and a new school. After she went to school, she became even more nervous because she didn't know anyone there. But after she finished school,two girls approached her and started to introduce themselves. One was named sandra and the other was eda. Nervously, lusia told her name and the girls told her not to be nervous, because they were friends know and they will help her .Lusia smiled and was really happy that she made new friends.Aftes some time the three of them became really close.They would go to places,study and eat together.Everything was going good till one day when Lusia and her friends were taking a walk in the village and they passed in front of an old and scary house. Lusia asked the girls about the house. Ada told her that years ago there used to live a happy family in that house till one day they disappeared and the house took on a black and scary shadow. Everyone thought that the house was haunted , so no one dared to approach or enter that house.Lusia said there's no way the house is haunted because the ghosts don't exist.Sandra said that she didn't know if ghosts existed or not, but that house made her afraid just by looking at it.Suddenly they started walking but Lusia stopped. The girls asked why she stopped and Lusia told her that she wanted to know what was inside that house. Ada told her that she didn't think it was a good idea to go there.Lusia told them that she felt a strange feeling from the house and if she didn't look at it, her mind would stay there.She told the girls that she understood if they could not go with her and that they could wait there, but the girls told her that they would not leave her alone.As they started to go near the house, Sandra was too scared. Then when they went near the door, they took a deep breath and lusia was reaching her hand to open it .A cold wind blew and the door opened by itself. The girls looked at each other and then they took the steps and entered the house. The house looked normal from the inside, but the girls saw that it looked out of the ordinary for a house in which no one has lived in years. Then the door made a loud noise and closed. They ran to the door to open it, but the door did not open.The girls looked at each other scared, then they heard a voice saying"I think it was more than understandable from the look of the house that whoever goes inside can't get outside anymore

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