

Ch 7 Spiritual Living Everyday Bliss(Basics Of Spirituality Part 1)
Meditation and connecting with nature form the cornerstone of spirituality for many. However, there's a common misconception that meditation entails sitting in silence and trying to banish thoughts from our minds. This misunderstanding often leads people to avoid meditation, citing lack of time as an excuse.
Combining nature and meditation can be incredibly therapeutic, as seen in practices like nature meditation. I experienced its profound effects during a tumultuous period in a relationship. Initially, I simply sat on a park bench, immersing myself in the sights of plants, trees, butterflies, and flowers. Over several weeks, this practice gradually helped me release emotional burdens. As I felt lighter, I began walking around the park, engaging more senses by touching and smelling leaves, plants, and flowers.

Another approach is integrating our goals with nature and concentrating on them. By using affirmations, we can synchronize our aspirations with the universe. Walking amidst nature while repeating these affirmations fosters focus, essentially a form of meditation. This method enables us to infuse spirituality seamlessly into our daily lives, eliminating feelings of stagnation or tedium often associated with traditional meditation practices.

© Haniya kaur