

Title: "The Scarlet Double Standard: Exploring the Inequality in Society's Perception of Male and Female Sex Work."
What is a Scarlet Woman? Is she doing a wrongful or sinning act? Tell us what you think by writing a story about such.

(A woman who is notoriously beautiful & having many casual sexual encounters, relations or especially unchaste relationships due to any helpless reason alike men Is called immoral prostitute and a Scarlet Woman.)

"Her face flushed scarlet pink and she sat bolt upright hearing contumely language. She strictly said- I will not consent to be portrayed in the private or public as a scarlet woman. Why is a female being called so flagrantly offensive about being open minded & bold personality.!" She further said- " Scarlet" also means courage, passion,love & joy.


"In hues of rosey blush, her cheeks did glow,
As she sat up straight, with a fierce, steadfast vow.
Her lips, a coral reddish pink, did whisper low,
"I will not be called a scarlet woman, no, no, no!"

Oh, the scarlet hue upon her eyes & cheeks,
A flame that burns with passion's sweetest speaks,
Her heart beats bold, her spirit free,
A woman of courage, wild and carefree.

Her eyes, like sapphires bright, did flash and gleam,
As she held her head high, with a steadfast dream.
Her words, a gentle breeze, did whisper soft,
"You too were born of a female. No woman should be defined by society's rift."

Oh, how she sat bolt upright,
Her words a challenge to the light,
"Don't paint me as a scarlet woman," she said,
"For I am more than just a immoral fleeting shade."

Her eyes, like stars that shine so bright,
Reflect the fire that burns within her sight,
Her laughter echoes through the night,
A melody of joy, a symphony of delight.

Her heart, a flame that burned with inner strength,
Did beat with courage, and a fierce, untamed length.
She knew her worth, and would not be swayed,
By the whispers of the world, or its misguided way.

Her boldness and her open mind,
A beacon of hope, a shining find,
For in her heart, there's room for all,
A love so strong, it stands tall.

So let us celebrate this scarlet hue,
A color of passion, courage true,
For in her heart, it shines so bright,
A beacon of joy, a guiding light."


With this article I plan to explore the industry of prostitution in imperial Rome while approaching the labor aspects of this topic with a Marxist framework. Sexual exploitation of women,small girls or men is influenced by historical and structural power imbalances between society which exists in varying degrees across all communities.So through this write-up I have tried to explore the inequality between male and female sex work, uncovering the history of male sex work and the stigmatization of female sex workers. And challenge societal norms and advocate for gender equality in the sex industry.

In today's society, the double standard between male and female sex work is glaringly obvious. While male sex work has been a part of various cultures throughout history, it is often overlooked or even glamorized. It was published publicly in paintings too.On the other hand, female sex work is stigmatized and labeled with derogatory terms such as "immoral" and "scarlet woman." But why is there such a stark contrast in how society views these two professions? Let's delve deeper into this issue and uncover the underlying inequalities that still exist.The topic of sexual violations of enslaved women & men has long been in cultural circulation and is not unfamiliar to anybody. Enslaved people referenced sexual abuse of enslaved men in their accounts of slavery produced before and after emancipation.

The History of Male Sex Work:

Male sex work is not a new phenomenon. In fact, it has been a part of nearly all cultures, ancient and modern. From the kagema in Japan to the jinetero in Cuba, male sex workers have existed in various forms throughout history. In ancient Greece, male prostitution was known as porneia and was seen as a way to exacerbate existing class inequalities. While young men of the upper classes could engage in paederastia, those from less advantaged backgrounds often turned to porneia and faced lifelong consequences as a result.

The Rape of Rufus:

A must read book. Rethinking Rufus is the first book-length study of sexual violence against enslaved men.

Rufus was enslaved in Texas in the nineteenth century. This illuminates how the conditions of slavery gave rise to a variety of forms of sexual assault, prostitution and exploitation that affected all members of the community.

Rufus was no stranger to being told what to do with his body. Lift this. Carry that. Sleep here. Move now. Sleep with her and make babies. He hated Hawkins for telling him whom to have sex with, but he knew he had no choice. As he was a slave. He’d been poked, prodded, stripped, whipped, leered at, and now mated too. At times he wondered if they even knew he was a man. He wanted to die. Life with Rose would work out. It was better than getting lashed for resisting, and he had wanted to have children someday and head a household. But for now, he found himself on a dirt floor, tasting blood and faced with a woman wielding a fireplace poker. Tonight, he would sleep outside or with a human or animal is still unknown.

There were various types of slaves?

Temple slavery, state slavery, sexual slavery and military slavery were relatively rare and distinct from domestic slavery, but in a very broad outline they can be categorized as the household slaves of a temple or the state. The other major type of slavery was productive slavery.

Sexual slavery and sexual exploitation:

It is an attachment of any ownership right over one or more people with the intent of coercing or otherwise forcing them to engage in sexual activities. This includes forced labor that results in sexual activity, forced marriage and sex trafficking, such as the sexual trafficking of children.

The historical tapestry of human societies reveals the multifaceted nature of slavery, extending beyond conventional boundaries.

The Scarlet Woman Label:

On the other hand, when it comes to female sex work, society is quick to label women as "immoral" and "scarlet women." These derogatory terms not only perpetuate harmful stereotypes but also contribute to the stigmatization of women in the sex industry. It is unfair and unjust to vilify women for their choices while turning a blind eye to the male sex workers who engage in similar activities. Male sex work could be secured by anyone – unlike other services in the Roman Empire, one need not be a citizen to be a buyer. Then why a woman is called immoral and scarlet woman.

The Impact of Society's Perception:

The way society views male and female sex work has a profound impact on the individuals involved in these professions. While male sex workers may be able to operate more openly and without fear of judgment, female sex workers often face discrimination, violence, and social ostracization. This double standard not only perpetuates gender inequality but also reinforces harmful stereotypes about women in the sex industry. It is time for society to reevaluate its attitudes towards sex work and treat all individuals involved with dignity and respect.

Breaking Down Gender Stereotypes:

In order to address the inequality between male and female sex work, we must first break down the gender stereotypes that perpetuate this double standard. By challenging societal norms and advocating for the rights of all individuals involved in the sex industry, we can work towards creating a more equitable and inclusive society. It is essential to recognize that both male and female sex workers deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their gender.

Empowering Women in the Sex Industry:

One way to combat the inequality between male and female sex work is to empower women in the sex industry. By providing support, resources, and advocacy for female sex workers, we can help them navigate the challenges they face and overcome the stigma associated with their profession. It is crucial to amplify the voices of women in the sex industry and advocate for their rights to ensure they are treated fairly and with respect.

Challenging Societal Norms:

In order to create a more equitable society, we must challenge the societal norms that perpetuate the double standard between male and female sex work. By promoting gender equality, advocating for the rights of all individuals involved in the sex industry, and challenging harmful stereotypes, we can work towards creating a more inclusive and accepting society. It is time to dismantle the stigma surrounding female sex work and recognize the inherent dignity and worth of all individuals, regardless of their profession.

Life of a child named Saida:

She was a happy child, until her father, the breadwinner, died leaving her with her mother, sister and young brother. Her mother and sister are both doing laundry cleaning. They could not pay for her school fees and went into domestic care work and laundry cleaning to support herself and family. A man in her neighborhood tells her he can find her a job. But instead he took her to a brothel. Today, she still sells sex, she knows no other way to make a living.

This speaks to the reality of majority of women and girls in the sex trade. Studies have shown that whilst there are a few who enter prostitution by their free choice, the majority are compelled by factors such as poverty, lack of viable income, and demand. Varying and complex paths lead women and girls to sex trafficking and prostitution – poverty, inequality, violence, discrimination, and manipulation by others.


Male sex work as an occupation is as old and goes back to thousands of years as its female counterpart. Prostitution quickly became a popular source of income and pleasure for the Roman population, but it seemed to be viewed dichotomously. “Prostitution was both socially approved and suspect for moral reasons.”Another layer of intricacy is added when the practice of slavery in the ancient world is considered. Most prostitutes in imperial Rome were slaves who had been sold into the industry, thus accentuating their status as a commodity unable to act in their own interests.From this perspective it is possible to glean societal expectations and desired roles (although these, of course, differ from how roles were performed on a practical level).

Today when a man is sexually unsatisfied, he can have safe options if he is willing to go the length. And they are not called immoral names by society.In the last century, male sex work has seen various advancements such as popularizing new sexual acts, methods of exchange, and carving out a spot in cinema.Male prostitution is a form of sex work consisting of act or practice of men providing sexual services to anyone in return for payment.Male prostitution has been part of nearly all cultures, ancient and modern.Young male prostitutes in the Edo period of Japan were called kagema. Their clients were mainly adult men. In southern areas of Central Asia and Afghanistan, adolescent males between twelve and sixteen years old perform erotic songs and suggestive dancing and are available as sex workers. Such boys are known as bacchá.

The most famous male prostitute of the Victorian era was the Irish born John Saul, who was involved in both the 1884 Dublin Castle scandal, and the Cleveland Street Scandal of 1889.In ancient Greek culture male prostitution went by the name porneia. The term distinguished male sex work both from the accepted Paederastia, relationships that existed between old and young men, porne (female prostitution), and hetaera, female mistresses.

A male sex worker in the Caribbean who solicits on the beaches and accepts clients of either sex is called a sanky-panky. Cuban male prostitutes are called jinetero – literally "horse jockey"; female prostitutes are called jinetera.Scholars have claimed that male sex work in ancient Greece operated to exacerbate existing class inequalities. Young men of the upper classes could avail themselves to a sexual and social mentor via paederastia, while young men from less advantaged backgrounds participated in porneia and faced the lifelong consequences of those choices. The actual practices between the two differed primarily through the social expectations of the relationship.In the Roman Empire, men could legally engage in sexual acts with other men in exchange for money as long as their participation was voluntary and their services were not offered as servants. Male sex work could be secured by anyone – unlike other services in the Roman Empire, one need not be a citizen to be a buyer.

Then why is a woman called an immoral and scarlet woman.


The inequality between male and female sex work is a glaring example of the gender disparities that still exist in society. By examining the history of male sex work, the stigmatization of female sex workers, and the impact of societal perception, we can begin to address this issue and work towards a more equitable and inclusive society. It is essential to challenge harmful stereotypes, empower women in the sex industry, and advocate for the rights of all individuals involved in sex work. Only by working together can we create a society that values and respects all individuals, regardless of their profession.

Slug: the-scarlet-double-standard-inequality-in-society

(I hope you appreciate and revel my write-up on this sensitive subject.Also wishing through this article I do not hurt anyone's sentiments.God forbid anyone should have to go through such a situation and face such humiliation. I am not promoting any such issues. Neither supporting.Please...Thank you.)

© Aneemkp