as I go
we had made a plan, an outline of what we were
going to do and when we would do it, together
that plan was the worst notion either of us have ever had, more like a cataclism
I gave up on trying to find the answers let alone understand them
I was losing more of myself with each day that passed while I was searching for you
And to this very day none of it makes any fucking sence and I'm cursed
Questioning and dissecting every sliver of our life together, every comment, every sentence
A shred of a...
going to do and when we would do it, together
that plan was the worst notion either of us have ever had, more like a cataclism
I gave up on trying to find the answers let alone understand them
I was losing more of myself with each day that passed while I was searching for you
And to this very day none of it makes any fucking sence and I'm cursed
Questioning and dissecting every sliver of our life together, every comment, every sentence
A shred of a...