


There was a girl named Akira. She was a bubbly and a happy go girl. Akira looked always like her father Vikram. Round cheeks, sculpted face, pleasant smile. She had a mole below her lower lip on the right side (size of the mole was perfect enough) and I think it’s her beauty spot. Many of them don’t observe it but I slipped when I saw it.

Both of her parents used to work in a corporate company. Akira was very unhappy about their parents. They could not satisfy the parenting needs of Akira when she needed them. They would always end up with a big fight. So, finally, the bad day has arrived, and that day was a life-changing day for Akira. She never expected that day in her life. The one sad News that she heard on that day was “DIVORCE” from her parents. It was the turning point of her life.

2 years later

Akira was growing up with the support of her mother. She lost connections with all the relatives of the paternal. Her grandfather and grandmother would call her once in a while. But she couldn’t as she thought her mother would get offended. One day she took up the phone and called her grandfather. Her words and her voice trembled because of fear. She couldn’t speak for one minute. Akira took a deep breath and she began to talk.

Lastly when she was about to cut the call her grandfather with a shaking voice told her “ sorry, I couldn’t make you happy in the childhood days nor am able to do it now. If I knew that this separation is going to happen between us I would spend the whole days with you and I would make you happy till you were there with me. Now I neither have time to spend with you nor you could come and spend time with me.”

Akira after listening to these lines she felt guilty and couldn’t take this to heart. Am sure no one will!

Our fate is not in our hands we cannot change it. It may be any relation but love remains unchanged. Some relations will be crystal clear that you can’t even spot the dark in the composition. Think, if this relation is broken for someone’s else’s happiness do you think the one’s suffering deserve it?

The same happened with Akira and her grandfather. They had no choice but to accept the situation. Do you think Akira will take a step to rebuild her broken relationship with her grandfather?

Let’s see what Akira will decide…..?

Is she going to rest her life or not.
