

Strange Romance
"No way am I going on a blind date at a beach with a CEO who I don't know," Su Bao Yi, told her mother over the phone. "No excuses girl. You are already twenty two, and you have no life partner. This is your chance. Go for it." Su Bao Yi's mother replied.

Su Bao Yi, was helpless. At around nine in the morning, the next day, Su Bao Yi was picked up, by a very handsome man, in a luxurious, open- top car. This man was a rich and famous CEO, who went by the name Li Liang." Hop in," Li Liang beckoned Su Bao Yi, looking very grumpy.

Su Bao Yi got into the car and drove off to the beach with her blind date. "So uh..." Su Bao Yi gathered enough courage to ask. "Li Liang. CEO of my father's company, and your blind date," Li Liang, rudely interrupted. Su Bao Yi nodded politely and the car kept travelling.

Silent seventeen minutes had passed, before the duo arrived at the beach.

"I love it here," Su Bao Yi giggled happily, as a gentle wave hit her feet. Li Liang just grunted. "Do you want me to get us two ice creams?" Su Bao Yi questioned Li Liang, who had gone to rest under a palm tree. "Do I look like a beggar to you?" Li Liang snapped. "No, no you don't," Su Bao Yi hurried back to the water.

Just then, a strong wind blew, and the beautiful flower hat that was neatly placed on Su Bao Yi's hair was swept away. "My hat!!!" Su Bao Yi exclaimed, as she raced to catch her hat. Li Liang, who was fast asleep, under the tree, opened one eye, got up, and snatched Su Bao Yi's hat back for her. "Thank you," Su Bao Yi thanked, knowing for sure that her blind date didn't really have a cold heart after all. "Boring," Li Liang sighed, retiring back to his tree again.

Soon, the sun started to set, and Li Liang's butler came over to pick Li Liang and Su Bao Yi, to take them to their hotel room.

The ride to the hotel too, was just as silent ad the one, coming to the beach.

When arriving at the hotel, Su Bao Yi hurriedly changed into her, full body covering, panda pyjamas, while Li Liang, stayed in a simple nightgown.

"What are you going to do to me?" Su Bao Yi stuttered, seeming extremely worried. "I was not fun until now," Li Liang answered, "So I am going to spice things up a bit." Su Bao Yi bit her lip, as Li Liang stared into her eyes for a long and entire minute. "Bring in the wine," Li Liang finally ordered his servants, who immediately rushed off to fetch the most expensive wine that they could lay their hands upon.

When the wine was brought in, Li Liang told Su Bao Yi, "Drink." Su Bao Yi gulped. Was he trying to poison her?

With shivering hands, Su Bao Yi, ultimately, began to drink the wine. The couple laughed and drank for about half an hour, when Su Bao Yi finally started to hiccup, and sat on bed. "Darling... You look so cute when you are drunk," Li Liang complimented, smiling. Li Liang was used to drinking, so wine didn't affect him at all. However, things were the total opposite for Su Bao Yi, who produced a weak, yet heavenly smile.

Li Liang sat down on bed, near the person whom he had fallen in love with. "Do you know, why I agreed to this blind date?" Li Liang asked. "Why?" Su Bao Yi lethargicaly patted Li Liang on his shoulder.

"I'll tell you then," Li Liang said, "It all began around ten thousand years ago. In the ancient days, you and I were well known detectives in the Song Dynasty. Because of our fame, we earned an equal amount of wealth and rivals. However, there was this one rival, who wanted to end our lives. He gave us two choices. Either one of us dies, and the other lives unarmed, or both of us die together. I agreed to die on your behalf, but you refused to let me go. It is true that we are both immortals, however, the suffering of being tortured to the extent of yet, a result of no death is still the same, devastatingly painful. I didn't want you to suffer, and you didn't want me to leave, so I did what anyone would have done. I removed your memory, and sent you to the future, where you are now. I never died. I kept on living, in high hopes of finally finding you. And now that I have-

Su Bao Yi shook her head violently, in order to relieve the drunkeness inside her. Then she leapt forward, "Li Liang," she cried, hugging the person whom she loved the most.