

my only sin

I’m not going to write you words of love from a foreign land, my love

my only sin?
chasing a dream

I’m not going to write you poems and songs from a far away shore, my love

I’m not going to send you money for the school books, my daughter

I won’t call on the day of your birthday dear mother

I won’t send you a picture from my work place dear father

who could imagine such cruelty!
yet the one who is beating me now, just a few meters from the shore, is a human being just like me
I have to jump overboard
I cannot swim
I do not know if I will make it
I do not know if I will return,
I do not know

my only sin?
chasing a dream
only a dream

although those who had managed to come back from this odyssey through the sea
had warned me saying
“Some men and women of those countries may be very dreadful,
they are afraid, they do not want to lose their comforts
they will not look at you like a man
they will call you illegal alien
they will consider you as responsible for all their pains
for all their evils,
for all their troubles
they will tell you that your first mistake was to arrive on their shores,
you'd had better thrown yourself away, into the sea before
they will tell you that if you have all that money to pay for your trip
then you are not a poor immigrant in search of fortune or an illusion
you're just a "cheerful tourist on a cruise..... "

my only sin?
chasing a dream
only a dream,

but who could imagine such cruelty,
yet the one who whips me now here a few meters from the shore, is a human being just like me...
I have to jump overboard
I cannot swim
I do not know if I will make it
I do not know if I will return ,
I do not know

so great is the pain I felt crossing from the Sahel to the shores of the Mare Nostrum and until the shores of this so-called civilized and developed western world

so great is the shame for the evil and the pains, that I have seen inflicted by humans to their fellow brothers and sisters humans beings just alike

so great is the shame it cannot remain in the air free
while men and women die drowning in a sea of indifference, of shame and cowardice no!

"...... Another boat with two hundred people was spotted drifting off our coasts
yet another journey of desperation, a frantic search for a visa, a residence permit
a residence permit for a dream
a dream! "

a residence permit for a dream
a dream,
an illusion…..

I’m not going to write you words of love from a foreign land , my love

I’m not going to send you money for the school books , my daughter

I won’t call on the day of your birthday dear mother

I won’t send you a picture from my job , dear father

who could have imagined such cruelty
yet the one who whips me now just a few meters from the shore, is a human being just like me
I have to jump overboard
I cannot swim
I do not know if I will make it
I do not know if I will return ,
I do not know

is there anyone listening?
anyone listening?

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