

I see..
He was dark a not so tall slender black man that I've seen around town often but never looking him in the face. He was always with a short much older woman me not knowing it was his mother. He would always get out go around to open the car door for her. How gentle he held her hand as he helped her to the doctor's. I really didn't pay any attention to him but that's what caught my attention.
I stopped as he opened the building door for her his eyes caught mine and I couldn't look away. For a moment my mind went blank and I just stared as he walked her in.
Almost to my job I kept looking back to see if he would return to his car but he didn't.
He was nice looking very neat but I keep my opinions to my self seeing him in such a light
I wouldn't tell no one else that.
Seeing that everybody have their own opinions I never tell anyone my opinions of him.
Me saying that he is nice looking to someone else having their opinion be something altogether different so I just stay silent about him. A lot of the ladies knew him around town but noone ever talks about him.
Unmarried he doesn't even have a woman in
his life or anyone except his mother. If he wasn't with his mother he was always alone eating, shopping or whatever else that he was doing. But those eyes they were so deep so far off I've never seen eyes like his before they seem to say something that I didn't quite understand. Soft spoken I could still hear him say watch you step mother as he helped her inside. There I go drifting off in thought again thinking of him. Standing on the latter I almost fell off get your mind back on work Eve I told myself. Being alone myself I was always in my own little world
not ever talking to noone that being there was noone I really wanted to talk to. After getting off work I walked down
Elkwood Dr. crossing over to Naples to go to a little diner on the corner for a sub to for dinner not wanting to cook.
Mage is the owner she's a nice lady with a beautiful Jamaican accent. I didn't stay to eat taking my sub home to eat while I watched TV. After I got a bath I sat down in my usual spot looking out the window watching the neighborhood kids play street ball. That Kim is good never missing a shot she'll be a famous baller or she should be.
Time went by fast and I was sleepy so I went in my room turned the TV on and went to sleep.

© "Cloud