

The Best Gift of life
Everything is alive. Everything is intelligence. From minerals to human beings everything is alive. Where we find life there we find intelligence and where find intelligence there we find life. Life and intelligence are one thing. It's impossible to say this is life and that is intelligence.

As we know that everything is alive because everything is intelligence, it should be then understood that our world is as alive as a human being with consciousness or intelligence. If there wasn't intelligence in the universe then there should be no low nor principal in the universe organizing all life.
Lows or principals are settled by an intelligence, they can't be settled by themselves.

Such as, Human beings have important role in the process of creation. The creation of health, safety and habitable environment or the creation of desasters, illness, insecurity, tragedies etc. Consequently, we participate in the creation of conditions of our world through the process of mind and emotions with the substance of thoughts and feelings. Thoughts and feelings are alive!
What we believe becomes our reality!
What we think we attune with; what we imagine we create; what we feel we attract ! no one can escape to his/her thoughts or feelings.
The same we can attract or absorb others' people feelings, as a living being, the same our planet is absorbing all human feelings.
The more the planet absorbs negative feelings from some human beings, the more it is overwhelmed.
Consequently, it musts set itself from those destructive feelings. Then, the rejection of the planet manifests in the form of seism, earthquake, climate problems etc. There's no natural tragedy, there's only natural protection!
Changing the frame of mind and the way of feeling will solve all these actual planetary problems.
Therefore, the Best gift of life that we can offer to the world is the energies of happiness, energy is life as well.
If you want to save the world, just be happy!
When the world begins to absorb new energies of love, happiness, inner peace... It starts to react in the same way we behave towards (him).
Love yourself to save the world and the world will save you back.
That is the best gift of life.

© M.Daniel