

Where The **** Is My Wife (Part 3 of 6)
Detective Alec Green's Mystery Stories*

It was already 1p.m. when Felix arrived at the Golf-Ball Square like the caller said and he was looking for the 12 o'clock. Felix thought to himself that the 12 o'clock could be a giant analog clock. There is only one analog clock in Golf-Ball Square and it is by the Savannah.

Felix quickly ran all the way there and when he got to the clock. He looked up at the clock and studied it. It was already half past one so Felix had to hurry up.

After analyzing the clock Felix came to a conclusion. Since the number twelve on the clock is facing west, he should head west. This could be what the caller was talking about. Also there is a building that does look abandoned and it's also a three story.

-That building definitely is the place I needed to find.- Felix thought to himself.

Felix immediately was headed straight towards the abandoned building and went inside. Inside the building was empty with only a few traveling boxes. That was filled with who knows what. The lights were dim and flickering causing the room to remain dark but still there was light bright enough to see. Following the line of stacked boxes was Felix still holding the sack of broken glass pieces.

When the pile of boxes came to an end, so did 

Felix as he stopped and looked right. There he saw an elevator, blocking its path were two big built guards both dressed in black and wearing shades. Felix walked up to them confidentially. 

Felix then stopped when he reached near the elevator and stared at the both of them.

''First name, surname and purpose of being here.'' The guard on the right said with folded arms. 

He refused to even turn his head to watch Felix and not even the guard on the left. Felix did the same and looked at the elevator doors after watching them.

''Felix Aziz, here to collect my wife and take her safely home. Also to hand over my fifty thousand dollars.'' Felix replied emotionlessly. The guard on the right then turned to look at him.

''He is expecting you but before you can go upstairs. We have to do a body search first.'' The guard on the right said.

The one on the left was busy informing their boss about Felix's arrival. Felix immediately scanned the room for CCTV cameras because he knows very well that he is taking chances by not carrying the fifty thousand dollars with him. Instead he has been carrying a crocus sack filled with broken glass and his fists wrapped up with bandages, also filled with a few glass pieces as well.

Before the guard could start searching Felix's body. Felix gave the guard on the right, an uppercut punch under the chin. Hitting him hard and wounding him deeply since the glass pieces are still wrapped up to his fists. Felix then gave a rear hook punch to the side of the guard's jaw. Twisting the jawlines of the guard on the right and making him collapse unconscious on the floor.

The guard on the left swung his fist at Felix and immediately Felix dug it. Keeping his fists up to protect his chin. Felix gave him a quick uppercut to the chin causing the guard to go off balance and stumbled backwards. Felix charged at the guard and they hooked arms. The guard tried to use his knee to give Felix a couple blows to the stomach region but Felix broke every one. When Felix got the chance, he gave the guard a lower blow to the stomach several times. Until the guard collapsed on the ground. 

Felix immediately ran into the elevator and pressed the 3rd floor, when the guard on the right managed to get up. He charged at Felix. Before the elevator door could close. Felix held onto the sack of broken glass tightly and gently placed it behind his back. When Felix got the perfect angle and timing, he swung the bag and pitched the man straight out the elevator door. The guard landed unconscious on the floor yet again and the elevator door closed.

''Waw, that was amazing! Adira would be proud of me.'' Felix laughed to himself.

Until he comes back to reality that Adira is still kidnapped. His smile turned into anger again and got more upset when he saw a CCTV camera on the roof of the elevator.

The elevator finally stopped and as soon as the elevator doors opened wide. Felix was faced with a group of guards. All Felix could do was take a deep breath and charged at the men. By using the sack, Felix managed to knock out half the men. The rest was physical fighting until he used the sack of shattered glass again.

When the fight ended, the only one who survived the fight was Felix. Who walked passed bodies of wounded men and across the room with a sack dripping with blood over his shoulder. Felix then stopped, facing the back of a large black and soft leather office chair. The person started rocking on the chair and laughing loudly.

''Welcome to my humble abode, I have been expecting you.'' The man said. Before turning his chair around to face Felix.

.......to be continued.

© Copyright 2022 by Chelsea K. Jack. All rights reserved.