

Change' for an exchange
I can't help but wonder how strange it is when people ask you how you changed so much, when they are the very reason you changed. Now, they want me to say those familiar words that have become unfamiliar to me over the past few years.

I'm sorry, but I don't feel like calling you affectionately.

How does it even make sense to them to suddenly ask for a change in oneself, when I've lost myself? Staring at the mirror, all I can see is a stranger. So, I wonder how I could bring about the change they've been asking for.

Heartbreakingly, everyone struggles, and I became the one to blame. My scars that bleed red fade unknowingly.

Once and for all, that tallest building attracts my eyes. My mouth goes dumb while my mind doesn't. Cutting off my ears and heart would bear the pain.

Let my soul be alone in the graveyard, so I could give you the change you've asked for ,
so far.
© @Nabiii