

Life Before Internet
Life Before Internet

Schedule being followed as usual; “ Waking up at 6, good morning wishes to the world before the one sleeping beside them. Choosing to Meditate with euphonics on youtube over natural rhythms of nightingale. Preferring to absorb radio waves over sniffing aroma of morning newspaper. Surfing for chef’s special over grandma’s recipes, playing trendy blended jingles for children over reciting devotional songs. Praising profile pictures of their oversea managers before motivating their child’s playful efforts to sow a plant erect.
Sounds of rattles have been replaced with white noise to aplomb the babies. Innocent dancing trees have been replaced with arrogant network towers. Red thread on wrists being replaced by smart bands. Smiling faces riding the cart in supermarkets have been replaced with online shopping. Endless conversations with dear ones have been replaced with endless selfies to push on the internet for strangers. Bedtime stories have been replaced with bedtime playlists. Family get-togethers have been replaced with face times on the internet.

Parents are lagging to pace up with 4G’s and 5G’s.
The World Wide Web is being successful in widening the toxicated skies for our winged friends.”

-This is what a grandmother told she witnesses daily while praying with her rosary beads.