

Spring dust
The old woman dropped her purse, spilling its contents all over the sidewalk, just outside Waterstone bookshop.
He rushed ahead to help her.
A gun was laying under the purse.
The professor looked at the old lady with kindness in his eyes and asked her:
- Madam, are you not feeling safe? Is someone threatening you?
She was scared and shocked.
- I have never seen this gun before, someone must have hidden that in my bag. Please, take it.
Mr Livingstone couldn't imagine all the untold stories that the gun was secretly preserving, like Pandora's vase, passing them from one hand to another, changing people lives over centuries.
Mrs Waterstone felt relieved.
- Your mum must be proud of you.
- I've never met her, madam.
As soon as Richard touched the gun he felt dizzy, he closed his eyes for a few seconds and the old lady disappeared.
He walked back towards the bookshop, searching for her.
Surprisingly, at the entrance, above the door he noticed a framed painting picturing the same lady, holding the gun that was now in his hand.
A security guard suddenly approached him:
Sir, what are you intending to do with that gun?
Mr Livingstone started to run...
© writer4change