

A new start
The picture in the frame held a lot of memories. Some good, some sad. Her tired eyes roamed over it one last time before she tossed it in the fire. It was time to start afresh life and forget all past memories. As it is sad if you want a good future then it is necessary to focus on present rather than sticking yourself with your past.
Sometimes moving on becomes a demand of life not for us but for our loved ones. She also decided to move on for the guy who loved her a lot.Though she got bitter memories with her own family on whom she could trust blindly.

After death of her parents everyone was with with her for their self purposes. She was cheated by everyone she loved.
It was not easy for her to move on and trust on him easily. But he never gave up on her. He stayed with her in all tough moments and pampered her like a child even though he was getting hate and hurt in return.
She was drowning day by day and he pushed her up everyday. He made her realize not all persons are same. He proved her that a prince charming coming riding on white horse to save her life is not only a dream but a beautiful reality.
She got a confidence in her thought that she too has the right to live a happy life and she too is made for love. She had decided to make a new life and make it happier. They both worked hard and he always supported her and never let her down. Though many difficulties came in their way as we know life is not easy but this time she was not alone and she was strong enough to jump over all the hurdles of life.
After a passage of time she decided to confess her feelings for him. Today is the day when she is going to receive award for the best inspirational person.

She confessed her love in the ceremony. When he listened he was happy a lot. It was a biggest surprise from her. As every story has a happy ending so this is the moment to end the story.

© Teeare