

Excerpt #6 from "The Gnome Wars" a Novel by Richard C. Strong
This may be my last Facebook entry....
The gnomes have taken over most of the house now. I've isolated myself to the bedroom and nailed the door shut but it won't hold forever. Last night, they took my youngest son Cory, god help him. They wait until you sleep and then they take you. Been awake for days, I won't let them do to me what they did to the others. The house is littered with their desiccated little corpses but still they keep coming. It's down to hand to hand fighting now as I lost my baseball bat in the battle for the attic.

I just want to get my hands on the one who took my beloved wife before I'm done for. No one will believe me and I don't blame them, I don't even know if I can believe myself anymore. Gnome's are real, check your register vents and crawl spaces, that's where the nightmare started for us.

I'm running out of time......the one I call " Grunt" is nearby, I can smell him. No doubt back to finish the job he started with my wife. Last night,,,, god help me..last night.. I ...had ....to kill and eat my beloved Shi Tsu Sophie as the bastard nomes have eaten all else, including my family members. I'm not going out that way brother, believe it. I managed to squirrel away a can of gasoline from the garage before they trapped me in the house. It cost Cody his life to get it but his sacrifice won't be in vain. When that little bastard "Grunt" breaks through he's going to find me waiting for him and his pointy headed, razor toothed friends with a ciggarette in my mouth, a gas can in one hand and a lighter in the other. I never smoked a cigarette in my life until these last few hellish days. I always heard they'd kill you..... Guess it was true.

I'm gonna take one last deep drag on that cigarette, and let them take my gasoline soaked body as I set myself, and these hellish spawn alight. I've got nothing left, don't mourn for me. Death is infinitely more desirable then the alternative. Stay Vigilant.....believe the stories...check your register vents and crawl space, especially at night! .......They're here... But not for much longer......LET'S DANCE MUTHE(43())$!$$$(((

I awoke to sounds of beeping and the glare of bright lights. This is not what I expected heaven to be like but I could certainly see the resemblence to hell. There were questions upon questions from people in suits and dark glasses. The daily cleansing bath to debride the dead flesh from my wounds was it's own special nightmare. Just when I thought I couldn't scream anymore I found out that indeed I could. When the pain of my struggle to survive subsided it was replaced with the gruesome details of how I got here in the first place. Police reports stated that my youngest son Cory was found impailed on what was left of his mothers bedroom door, as if he had been trying to keep something out. The top of the door had been snapped off, along with my son's upper body. The crime scene phototos looked like he had been neatly folded over the bottom half of the door, frozen in an unimaginable moment of a savage and brutal struggle, but with what?

Then there were the animals, or more specifically the lack of any. We had four dogs and a cat yet their remains were nowhere to be found in the burnt out shell of what used to be our home. Finally, there was me, alone, naked, second and third degree burns over much of my body. Bruised and broken, compond fractures of both arms and legs with unexplainanable bite marks and lacerations all over my body. It was if something had tried to eat me and almost succeeded. The doctors said it was a miracle I had survived for this long.

#gnomes #horror #humour #violent #fantasy