

Mr who
Down town sloven

Walking on the streets by myself has been hard these days,there are a lot of diddle daddle happening and well it sickens me. I kept on ignoring the unnecessary display of affection (jeez it's unbearable,when will I find an unemotional,hardened,empathy free individual who can also keep me on my feet. who needs affection,it sucks doesn't it? exactly). As I get to my home,well my house because this town is trash,real shitty I tell you. I noticed a new rug at the front porch of the nextdoor,I guess I have a new neighbour, I mean it might be an intelligent and logical individual unlike the loners in this town.
Entering my home,I take of my shoes,clean them and arrange them,put on my slippers,hang my coat and my bag,open the windows and so on(its an eventful day of nothingness,you guess the rest). I eat alone,drink alone,work alone,walk alone and stay alone,I'm not lonely but sometimes I don't want to be alone,yh. After eating,I go to the sitting room so I could watch a bit of TV then I noticed something like a shadow pass behind me. at first I was assured it was impossible but then it did again. fear was starting to come over me. I stood up gradually and turned to my back with full force but saw no one,only that my window was closed.(this is an important clue you nutjob i opened my window). I picked up my bat and started to check the house,then I noticed a light coming from a room upstairs(I didn't turn the lights on),as i inched closer on the stairs I hear faint voices of a man and a woman discussing,could it be an armed robbery?(nah),could it be a drunk couple?(nah they aren't alert enough to not make noise). As I got closer their voices become audible and I listen to their discussion.
Man: "This place is nice enough we just have to play the part,the job must be done in 3 months,that promotion is important and you know it."
woman: "oh come on,I am trying.i have been here for a week and I got nothing,wht makes you think you will do it and even get a promotion."
(gosh what are they talking about)
as I inch closer their voices get louder.
Man: "we have to,the criminal is on the loose and we must find....it!"
Woman: "you are being hysterical,it's not that bad,we will figure it out,she or he has to be here....."
(oh no,I fell!!)
In a matter of seconds I was surrounded by these two figures,I couldn't look up and I tried to stay as stiff as possible but I just remembered I left something in the oven.(oh gosh is it time to be a perfectionist???!!)
"hum,I know this is complicated but it's my house and I advise you to leave."
I stand up and notice their dark clothing made of latex and leather,that's weird who wears that....
I feel a hit to my head,the room is getting blurry,I feel dizzy. I think they are trying to knock me out,I have to fight...I...
as I go down,I hear it
voice:"we can't allow her to find out that we are undercover agents,we will be done for"....
what??? I didn't hear that....
and everything went blank.

© #milialate.4