

Rough Life, Bad Decision Making, The Making of a Mess
Back in June '22 I applied to be a Webster Volunteer Firefighter. In September '22 I was interviewed and I received a letter of disapproval yesterday.

Tbh, I was actually hoping to be given the chance. I was an EMT for East Rochester NY Ambulance and a Fire Cadet for 6 years for East Rochester Fire. And in Texas for the short period I was with the Stamford Fire Department before they closed and me and my family ended up moving back the one of the worst states in the USA, NYS.

I didn't think it was going to bother me this much, but I can't sleep, been up and down all night losing my head and just emailed the WFD to see if they could tell me the reason I was denied, I am only assuming it was because of my CR.

I have 4 regrets in this life so far, the first one was not following my dreams when I turned 18 and attempt to go back to school to get my High School Diploma so I could be a Marine, 2nd was not being there when my son was born and not being in the car when my wife and son died in the car crash that took them from me, 3rd was not moving West like I had always dreamed of living regardless of what people here say and the 4th was taking a plea deal to give me the opportunity of freedom to fight to get my record clean without knowing the true facts of what I was taking the deal for (being tricked into pleaing guilty to something I didn't do).

I wanted a fresh start, but nowadays, I can't even move anywhere to get a fresh start because my CR will follow me everywhere in the US, only way to get a fresh start without convincing the Courts is too move outside of the US which is something I am not financially ready for.
I had planned on moving west this month "Sept '22" but couldn't because I am financially unstable. So after what I found out this year, I am trying to reach my lawyer to try to get my record sealed or to try to get a recommendation to apply for a Expungement.

It's sad really because regardless of which, the only way I am able to move forward with my life is either to leave the country to start over elsewhere or to try to convince the courts to seal/expunge my records so I can start over and be happy.
As of now though, I am more miserable and unhappy with my decisions and my life, now more than ever before.

My advise to everyone in the USA, don't ever accept a deal to plea guilty, just take the Jail/Prison Sentence because society is never going to look at you the same again. "Once a criminal, always a criminal" even the system will drag out your short life, I know so many people who have left the country and few who were once good men and women and now work for Mafias, Gangs or Do Criminal Acts because it is the only way to get by now since society won't give you the opportunity of a 2nd chance 😢

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