

So sorry, Dear Mama 👼
I wrote "Sorry, Dear Mama" to raise awareness about the deep pain and grief that women experience from child loss and miscarriage.
Many people do not understand the impact these losses have on mothers who carried their children, even for a short time.
Often, society expects women to quickly move on, but healing from such a loss is not simple.
If you know a woman grieving the loss of a child or a miscarriage, show her love and support. "This poem is a tribute to all the mothers who have endured this pain."

"So Sorry, dear Mama,"
A soft whisper in the still morning
For a dream so thrilling, was lost forever.

Your heart held exciting hopes
A tiny life forming inside you,
Each day you endured morning sickness,
You cherished the love growing in your womb.

But fate can be harsh and so cruel,
A heartbeat stopped, the silence became so loud,
A loss that made even the angels weep.
Leaving you with unseen scars, a story untold.
"So Sorry, dear Mama"

For the babies you never got to hold,🤱
Little feet that never got to walk.👼
For laughs or cries that never filled the room,
Tiny hands you longed to kiss,but in vain.
"So Sorry, dear Mama"

For those who came but didn't stay longer,
Whose time on earth was like a lightning flash.
Their eyes have never seen the dawn,
Their smiles, a light that went unnoticed,
Leaving you with brokenhearts.
"So Sorry, dear Mama"

Your pain is deep and intense, dear Mama,
Like an ocean where your sorrows sleep.
Each wave brings a sweet and sad memory,
Of moments you lost, of what you had.
"So Sorry, dear Mama"

For the kids who played in green fields,
Who chased the stars in a night sky.
The grown-up child who walked by your side,
But whose absence now leaves an empty space.
"So Sorry, dear Mama"

You lost a future shining star,
Left with a wound that bleeds through the night.
But know, dear Mama, in every tear,
A piece of them is always near.

Dear Mama, the heavens cry with you,
For each angel that had to say goodbye.
But in your heart, their light will stay,
Guiding you through each shadowed day.

In every sunset, in each new dawn,
Their love is a light that carries on.
So, find peace in knowing that love has no end.
For every child in the stars above,
Sends you whispers of endless love.

© Angieb_Writes